circuit consisting of millions of electronic parts and is primarily responsible for converting input data into meaningful output information
unit on the processor with the circuits necessary to execute instructions
processor core
responsible for holding data and programs as they are being processed by the CPU
What is computer memory?
What are the two types of devices that your computer uses to provide and receive information?
What is a input and output devices?
involves storing electronic files on the Internet, not on a local computer
Converts input to output
What is a multi-core processor?
Processor with more cores
What is RAM, ROM, and Virtual Memory?
Communicates instructions and commands to a computer
What is a input device?
includes CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs (BDs)
What is Optical Media?
manages the flow of instructions within the processor
What is arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
True or False? Does a processor with more cores perform better?
Stored on one or more chips connected to the main circuit board.
What is Random Access Memory (RAM)
conveys information from the computer to the user
What is output device?
Apple iOS or macOS, ChromeOS, Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Google Android are all what?
What is Operating Systems?
What does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
The processor stores its data here
What is Processor Cache?
Permantly installed on your computer.
What is Read-Only Memory (ROM)?
add storage capacity to your computer, are housed in a separate case, and typically connect to your computer using a USB cable
What is external storage device?
once widely used to distribute installation files for programs and apps
What is Optical Media
Processor core
True or False? The processor cache stores date next to the processor
Where does your computer store memory when you run out of ram?
What is virtual memory?
include speakers, headphones, projectors, and printers
What is output devices?
You use this to store your data on servers that could be in a different city, state, or part of the world
What is cloud storage?