Internet 4.1a-4.1c
Internet 4.1d-4.1e
Internet 4.1f-4.1g
Fault Tolerance
Parallel and Distributed Computing

Which storage device is able to hold the most information in the least amount of space? (Bonus: Who invented it?)

Microchips (Bonus: Jack Kilby)


What are the three internet connectivity concerns?

Convenience, Speed, and Security


If websites exist on the Internet at specific IP addresses, like, how does some network request to a Domain Name, like manage to find the correct website on the Internet?

Who or what handles the conversion from a domain name to an IP address of numbers?

A DNS (Domain Name System) server handles the conversations.


What is fault tolerance

The ability for networks to function when one of its components fail to function


What type of computing was used by early computer systems?

Sequential Computing


Which device finds networks anywhere on the Internet and connects a local network to a destination network?



What is the purpose of a modem?

A modem is a device that connects the home to the Internet. It alters the computer signal to a phone signal for outgoing communication and vice versa.


What’s the difference between HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)?

When sensitive personal information is entered online, special web servers handle the data more securely than HTTP.


What is an example of redundancy?

Having multiple routes that lead to the same destination


What is sequential Computing?

It executes one program at a time


Which device connects multiple computers to a Local Area Network?



Are Ethernet or wireless connections faster?

Ethernet. Wireless connections can be fast, but not as fast as wired networks. Wireless connections can also have many problems as more people access the same network.


Explain DNS (Domain Name System)

Humans access information online through domain names. Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.


Why is fault tolerance important?

If there is information  being transferred and a router is down, that router can no longer be able to communicate with other routers to send information. Fault tolerance allows routers to make different paths when a router is down along a path


What type of computing is used by big companies?

Parallel Computing


What is the purpose of the Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF)?

To connect all the local computers in one physical area to the backbone and the Main Distributed Frame (MDF)


Explain a hybrid network.

A switch is connected to many wireless LANs, the switch then connects to a wired LAN and a router which connects to a modem which connects to the ISP.


What version of Internet Protocol consists of 32 bits and only numbers?



A file needs to be sent to someone. The information is split into bytes of data called packets. Multiple packets represent that file. The packets are put in a container and are assigned to go to their destination IP address. Multiple containers of packets are given to a router which then asks multiple routers if they know a path. They know one and the containers are sent. But on the way, the route is no longer available and the router is down. What happens then? 

The router who sent a message to other routers for a path searches for a new route and the packets go through that new route


What is the difference between Distributed computing and parallel computing?

Parallel computing is usually one computer with multiple processors whereas distributed computing involves several computers working on divided tasks
