What is a motherboard
A motherboard is the main ___circut____ board inside a computer that ____connects____ the different parts of a computer together.
What's cloud storage
Areas on Internet ___servers____ where data and applications can be __stored____ and accessed.
what is software
____progams that tell a ___computer_____ what to do and how to do it.
What is Klez
exploiting a vulnerability in Internet Explorer's Trident layout engine, used by both Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to render HTML mail.
What is a touchpad
Also known as a Trackpad. A ___flat_ control surface used to move the cursor and perform like a computer ___mouse__, typically on a laptop computer.
Allows communication between devices.
What is a SD card
Stands for _secure _____ ____digalel___ memory card. A type of memory card typically used in digital ___cameras____.
what is operating system
The system that allows ___hardware_____ devices to communicate with one another, run efficiently, and support _____software___ programs. Example: Microsoft _____windows_
What is a stuxnet
This is a computer worm.
what is a desktop
An individual’s ____person____ computer that resides on a _desk___ or table.
What's a hard drive?
The most commonly used type of secondary ___storage____ device, which stores bits of data as aligned particles on the surface of a ____magnetic____ disk.
What is a RAM
Stands for ___random___ Access Memory. It stores __data__ and instructions while the computer is working.
What is router
A router _____receives___ and ___sends__ data on computer ___networks_____.
What is a Mydoom
create zombies out of hundreds of thousands of computers.
what is a laptop
A ___personal_____ computer that is _small____ enough to be carried around.
What is a CPU
Stands for l____central___ Processing Unit. A piece of the computer’s hardware that ____processes_____ and compares data and completes arithmetic and ____logical___ operations.
What is a microchip
A microchip is a very small piece of ___silicon____ inside a computer. It has electronic ___circutes_____ on it and can hold large quantities of ______information_____ or perform mathematical and logical operations.
what is server
A _____computer___ that provides __data__ to other computers.
What is a trojan horse
a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program.
what is a mouse
hold with hand to click on different things
What is an operating system
The system that allows ___hardware_____ devices to communicate with one another, run efficiently, and support _____software___ programs. Example: Microsoft _____windows_
What is USB flash drive
Stands for ____universal_____ Serial Bus. A standard that allows ____communication_________ between devices, such as between a flash drive and a computer.
what is WI-FI
A standard ____wireless____ technology that uses ____radio_ waves to connect devices.
What is a virus
A program whose purpose is to _____damage_ or destroy computer data, cause a computer to behave in _____unexpeted_____ ways, or interfere with the operation of a network, all while concealing and replicating itself.
what is a tab
A thing on a screen so you can get to something without looking it up everytime.