The tall boy Maya had a crush on in Middle School…
Who is Demariae?
The subject Maya could only pass once…
What is Mathematics?
The kind of bird that chased a young Laskyra…
What is a Peacock?
The Comrade that asks to play to most
Who is Maya?
The person who put the loading cursor on Maya’s forehead…
Who is Laskyra?
The dirty homeless man Chealsy had a crush on…
Who is Steven?
The club both Laskyra and Chealsy joined…
What is Medical?
The boy Iniya kissed behind a tree in middle school… (Maya and Deja made a song about it.)
Who is Mike?
The Comrade that is least likely to “settle down” i.e getting married/having children
Who is Maya?
The four word greeting we (usually) say on facetime….
What is “Talk to Me Nice?”
The first boy Iniya ever kissed…
Who is that one guy with big eyes? (im sorry y’all i forgot his name) 🫣
The friend that introduced Chelasy and Maya…
Who is Deja?
The reason Maya’s parents separated…
What is Male Insecurity? (I will also take cheating allegations as an answer.)
The Comrade on the most social medias
Who is Laskyra?
The name of the app we used to pull our daily tarot cards
What is Mystic Mondays?
The loser Maya dated for 7+ years online…
Who is Jakell?
How many people THROUGH high school had a crush on Iniya?
What is 5?
The promotion ceremony Chealsy didn’t attend was for what grade?
What is Eighth grade?
The Comrade with the highest student debt…
The first boy Laskyra ever kissed…
Who is ????
The two group chat members that were (briefly) in the video posted by Hollister from the Paramount High concert. (In Junior Year!)
Who are Maya and Iniya?