What type of organizational style organizes main points by time?
What order should your Reference page be in when formatting in APA?
Alphabetical order
What type of special occasion speech is a speech that introduces the main speaker of the event?
Speech of Introduction
What kind of online speech happens in real-time?
What is a group of 2 people considered?
A Dyad
What type of statement is needed between main points?
Transition Statement
When citing a paraphrased quote in-text, do you need to include a page number?
No! (Smith, 2019)
What type of special occasion speech is meant to present someone with something special like an award, gift, or some other form of public recognition?
Speech of Presentation
How can we describe a unique online environment in terms of presenting?
"The elements of Internet communication that influence an online speech, including the remote audience, factors of technology, and unique forms of interference."
What type of leader is described as the group member that other members defer to as their leader? This could be due to their expertise, rank, or another quality.
Implied leader
What type of outline is a brief outline that helps jog your memory while presenting?
Speaking Outline/Speaking Notes
Found in Smith's 2025 article on page 34.
Smith (2025, p. 34)
Smith (2025) says, "blah blah blah" (pg. 34).
Smith (2025) says, "blah blah blah" (p. 34).
Which of these options shows the correct in-text citation for a direct quote?
#4) Smith (2025) says, "blah blah blah" (p. 34).
What type of special occasion speech is meant to give thanks for a gift, award, or social recognition?
Speech of Acceptance
Which type of speech can you add visual aids to, even if they were not in the original video?
When reflectively thinking, what does a small group want to reach when selecting the best solution? A ________________.
What type of outline is meant to help outline your speech before you present?
Preparation Outline
What type of indent do you need for additional lines of the source on the References page?
Hanging indent
What type of special occasion speech is a speech that is meant to pay tribute to a person, group, institution, or idea?
Commemorative Speech
Name 3 backup plan ideas to keep in mind, just in case your virtual presentation does not work out?
1. Distribute info via email
2. Adjust to an audio-only conference call
3. Cancel and reschedule
4. Turn your live speech into a recorded speech to be uploaded later for everyone to watch
What is the name of the 5-step method for directing discussion in a problem-solving small group?
Reflective Thinking Method
Message clarity, speaker credibility, and effective visual aid design are all important uses of what tool?
Visual Aids
True or False? The first letter of every word in the title of a journal article is capitalized in the Reference page when formatting in APA.
Is there an extra credit opportunity related to this type of speech? If so, what is it?
Yes! Create a Special Occasion Speech Outline.
Which type of online speech is considered asynchronous?
A recorded speech
What would a set of personal goals that conflicts with group goals be called?
Hidden agenda