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Paxton's Presentation Pointers
Jayhawk Trivia
Random Roundup

____ unexcused absences will result in automatic failure of COMS 130: Speaker-Audience Communication



It's important you know the people sitting around you and, more importantly, the people who will be sitting in front of you on Speech Days. What does Paxton do every class to help build rapport?

Question of the Day (QOD)


True or False: Paxton will grade your speech based on the person who went before you / after you / the same day 

FALSE. I will grade you at your own pace and give you specific tips for your next presentation(s) specifically. Never feel like you are being compared to anyone else in this class 


KU alum discovered this "planet"



Which main speech does NOT require an outline to be turned in on the first day of speeches (for everyone)?

Introductory Speech


How many extra credit points are available for COMS 130?


Which presentations will you be giving peer critique (peer feedback assignments) for?

All presentations require a peer presentation (Introductory, Ceremonial, Informative, Persuasive)

10 points each 


Which speech of yours will be recorded?

Persuasive Speech


What sport does KU NOT lead K-State in?

Football, Basketball, Baseball 

Trick Question: We lead in all :)


If Paxton catches you using technology during a peer's presentation (phone, laptop, microwave, iPad, anything), ____ points will be deducted from your speech (regardless if it was entered into the gradebook or not)

3 points (for each speech) you are caught with technology 


Your exams will be open book, open note, not timed, but you MUST ____

Complete it in one sitting (no exiting it and trying to enter again at a later time)

Explain when/how you should use Canvas and Email messaging to contact Paxton 

Canvas Messaging (preferred) should be used for quick notifications (you will be late/absent from class, bus is running behind, quick questions)

Email should be used for turning in make-up assignments, PowerPoints, more serious questions, scheduling office hours meeting 


How long must your Persuasive Speech be?

6-8 minutes long


Jayhawks be warned, unless you have already graduated, do NOT walk under _____. Legend has it that you will not graduate on time if you do this before graduation 

the Campanile 


Everyone deserves a day off! What should you do if you want to cash in on one of your "free days off"?

Message Paxton (preferably through email) with the title being "Free Day" and simply say "Hi Paxton, I will not be in class today, I will be using one of / my last free day(s)"

*It is important to note that Paxton keeps track of these days--how many you have left, when you used them, etc*


Name 2 extra credit opportunities offered in the syllabus 

Research Studies/Surveys 

Attend an on-campus speaking event

"Rock Chalk" Opportunity

Rehearse with Paxton before a speech 

Winning certain class activities (like this game)


There will be a total of _____ points offered in COMS 130 this semester. These points will come in the form of daily participation, exams, peer feedback, presentations, etc.



How long must your Introductory Speech be? 

3-4 minutes 


What is the nickname for the 1941 Jayhawk?


Kansas is celebrating our ____ birthday today!



Paxton is a mandatory reporter; please explain what this means and how it should be considered

*Found towards the bottom of the syllabus*

Here as a resource to offer support and connections in case you've been a victim of discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault. If you disclose this information to me, I must report it to Title 9 Office. They will then reach out to you


What time should you message Paxton by each day for a guaranteed response? (work-life balance section)


Remember to allow up to 24 hours for a response (very rarely takes this long). I will always check my email/messages before 5:30pm (when I clock out/leave for the day)


Missing a speech day will result in a _____ point deduction from your final grade 

PLUS if you are giving peer feedback that day, you will receive a 0 for missing your peer's speech 

5 points will be deducted from your final grade (from 550)


What United States president said that "Rock Chalk Jayhawk" was the best college chant?

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt


At one point, the United States had all our helium supply in which location on campus?

-Summerfield Hall 

-Strong Hall

-Bailey Hall 

-Snow Hall 

Bailey Hall 
