Who said it?
Theories and approaches
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“All mass culture under monopoly is identical...Films and radio no longer present themselves as art."
Who is Adorno & Horkheimer?
An attempt to analyze the inner-workings of society by looking at the disconnect between what a society says it’s offering and what it’s really offering.
What is Critical Theory?
We produce movies in the same way we produce cars.
What is the culture industry?
If a work of art is now more widely available what does that mean for those who gets access to it, the right to comment on it, or the ability to use it in different ways?
What is power?
The song by Marianas Trench used to demonstrate the Frankfurt School's thoughts on the culture industry.
What is Pop Music 101?
"...what we call our civilization is largely responsible for our misery, that we would be much happier if we gave it up and returned to primitive conditions.”
Who is Sigmund Freud?
The theory concerned with a struggle for the means of production.
What is Marxism?
Katz & Lazarsfeld found "When those people were asked what had contributed to their decision, their answer was: other people. The one source of influence that seemed to be far ahead of all others in determining the way people make up their mind was personal influence"
What is an opinion leader?
Media can be powerful. Look at what happened with the War of the Worlds radio broadcast!
What is persuasion?
The word that "technology" was most associated with in the past.
What is technique?
"The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society...The mode of production of material life determines the general.”
Who is Karl Marx?
A process involving talking, listening, writing and interpreting responses to reveal feelings and instincts repressed and embedded deep in the unconscious.
What is psychoanalysis?
A European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition.
What is Enlightenment?
The elite keep other people under wraps through ideology.
What is power?
Who, Says What, In Which Channel, To Whom, ______ _____ _______
What is "With What Effect"?
"One might subsume the eliminated element in the term “aura” and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art."
Who is Walter Benjamin?
Only through a diversity of opinion is there, in the existing state of human intellect, a chance of fair play to all sides of truth.
What is Liberal Press Theory?
The time period from 1840-1920; the transition from traditional society; made promises that life would be better.
What is modernity?
Sigmund Freud speaks about how society creates rules that prevent us from doing what we want to do.
What is modernity?
In this city, Walter Benjamin witnessed "flaneurs" wandering the streets, window shopping.
What is Paris?
"The most important fact about the telegraph is at once the most obvious and innocent: It permitted for the first time the effective separation of communication from transportation."
Who is James Carey?
Lasswell's study of the communication process is not behaviourist, but __________.
What is functionalist?
A person's labour used to reveal their social relations, but now people produce things for concepts like wages and profits.
What is abstraction?
The telegraph enabled, for the first time, the effective separation of communication from transportation.
What is technology?
Professor Wagman showed a photo of a drawing by his daughter in one lecture to connect with this reading.
What is "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"?