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"By the public sphere we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion is formed…Today newspapers and magazines, radio and television are the media of the public sphere”
Who is Jurgen Habermas?
Draws from linguistics; asks "how is meaning made?"
What is structuralism?
Also: speech, use, utterance, instance
What is parole?
Each media creates a different media environment.
What is technology?
One of Stuart Hall's 3 readings: the receiver may understand the intended meaning but decode in a contrary or challenging way.
What is oppositional reading?
“A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable; it would be a part of social psychology and consequently of general psychology; I shall call it semiology (from Greek semefon 'sign'). Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them."
Who is Ferdinand de Saussure?
Is focused on individual characteristics of a particular medium.
What is medium theory?
Where people come as individuals to discuss, debate, and form opinions.
What is the public sphere?
Political economy is concerned with who has control or sets the terms from a production perspective (here, with media).
What is power?
The economy that Innis studied before communication media (he wrote a book on it).
What is the fur trade in Canada?
“The reader’s interest is not driven by the question What happens next?, which refers us to the logic of success or to the mythological narrative. We know perfectly well from the start what will happen..."
Who is Tzvetan Todorov?
Emphases the instability and plurality of meaning. Sees the individual elements as more significant than their interrelationship to larger structures.
What is post-structuralism?
Something has happened after something else; or, something advances a position past where it was originally.
What is "post-"?
It is argued that traditional science not only ignores women’s themes and experiences but also denies the validity of women’s ways of knowing.
What is power?
Because "global" and "village" are quite opposite, the term "global village" can be understood as this.
What is a paradox?
“The women’s movement is not only engaged in a material struggle about equal rights and opportunities for women, but also in a symbolic conflict about definitions of femininity (and by omission masculinity)."
Who is Liesbet van Zoonen?
Each medium of communication has a tendency to privilege either space or time.
What is the bias of communication?
The model Herman provides including the 5 filters of mass media messages.
What is the propaganda model?
Inns' focus on how the dominant mode of communication shapes the nature of the civilization.
What is technology?
The theorist who responded to Saussure's structuralism with this thought: if it is arbitrary then it should be really arbitrary, so there is no relationship between signifier and signifed.
Who is Jacques Derrida?
“Information is thought to create communication, and even if the waste is enormous a general consensus would have it nevertheless, as a whole, there be an excess of meaning, which is redistributed in all the interstices of the social."
Who is Jean Baudrillard?
Sees communication, media and information in much the same way as cows or trees, resources which can be used for the common wealth.
What is political economy?
Those within range of a hearing; viewership or readership that consume same program/text; considered collectively
What is an audience?
Public opinion used to be found in coffeeshops and salons, but now newspapers, magazines, and radios are the media of the public sphere.
What is mediation?
Companies can be concentrated in ownership, but they can also be integrated in these two ways/directions.
What are horizontal and vertical?