a temporary job that is performed on demand ex Uber delivery driver
a gig
Which country uses the automated arm 'Flippy' in many fast food restaurants?
The US
turn back the clock
to go back in time
Having feelings that are easily and openly displayed
In which country is Jorge on vacation now?
likely probable; possibility to do conveniently
Which country has mass public weddings on Valentine's Day
The Philippines
costs an arm and a leg
To be extremely expensive.
What does a 'shutterbug' like to do?
Take photos
Which type of cuisine does the restaurant Luis work in serve?
Not replaceable
irreplaceable The prefix 'in' in English often denotes not. Ex: inexcusable, inappropriate, inaccurate
In which country did a plane flip over on landing this week?
keep your cool
stay calm, don't get angry
One of your classmates was served in a restaurant by a robot. What type of restaurant was it?
What does Yuly do for a living?
She's a graphic designer
The act of taking something from another country ex fashion, for one’s own use without permission
cultural appropriation
The wife of an ex-president of which country accused Ralph Lauren of ripping off clothing designs of indigenous people.
play it by ear
to do things without special preparation. To react based on circumstance.
What does it mean if someone taps their cheek and says "give me some sugar"?
Give me a kiss
What type of pet does Yoly have?
a dog
Inexpensive; reasonably priced
In Korea, if you don't receive any candy on Valentine's day, or any chocolate on White day, what do you have to eat on Black day?
black noodles
kill time
To spend/pass time while you are waiting.
electricity, water, and internet are examples of expenses known as
What industry did Gustavo work in before he moved to Canada?