Vectors and Scalars
Speed, Velocity, Acceleration
Projectile Motion
Objects in Free Fall
Relative Motion
A scalar represents a: (Magnitude, Direction, or Both)
What is a Magnitude
Define Speed and Velocity
Speed is how fast something is going. Velocity is Speed with a direction!
How are the horizontal component and the vertical component of a projectiles motion related?
What is independent
An object is thrown straight up. What is the velocity of the object at the top of it's path. Why?
What is 0 m/s. The object has to stop and change direction at the top.
This is how a velocity and displacement are paired together.
What is going the same direction
A vector represents a: (Magnitude, Direction, or Both)
What is both
When you look at your car's speedometer, you are looking at the car's what?
What is instantaneous speed.
A ball is thrown into the air at an angle. At the very top of the ball's path it's velocity is... a) entirely vertical b)Not enough information to determine c) both vertical and horizontal d) entirely horizontal
What is d) entirely horizontal
An object is thrown straight up. What is the acceleration of the object at the top of it's path. Why?
What is -9.8 m/s^2. Gravity is always pulling on object in the air and the pull always accelerates an object at -9.8 m/s^2.
This connects the different velocities and displacements together
What is time
20 m
What is a Scalar
Acceleration is defined as the CHANGE in.....
What is velocity divided by the time interval.
Given an initial velocity and an angle, this is how you would find initial x and y velocities.
What are components
A ball is thrown upwards at 50 m/s and is caught when it comes down. Ignoring air resistance, what is the speed of the ball when it is caught?
What is 50 m/s. The displacement is zero, so it maintains the original speed.
This would be the relative velocity of a car going 20m/s and a truck going -20m/s
What is 40m/s
60 miles north
What is a Vector
A cyclist travels 15 meters in the first second, 15 meters in the second second, and 15 meter in the third second. It's Acceleration is....
What is 0 m/s^2. The cyclist speed does not change! It goes a constant 15 m/s
An object is shot horizontally with a velocity of 20m/s. If the object takes 5s to fall to the ground, how far away did it land?
What is 100m
When a falling object reaches its terminal velocity (when the force of gravity = the force of air resistance) it's acceleration is....
What is 0 m/s^2. An object at terminal velocity is at its maximum free fall speed. Because it's speed no longer changes, it no longer accelerates.
In a river problem with Vr acting as the speed of the river, Vb acting as the speed of the boat, and Va acting as the actual velocity, this is the displacement that describes how far downstream the boat will go.
What is Xr
This represents a vector's magnitude and direction
What is an arrow
A car starts at rest and after 5 seconds is moving 25 m/s. What is the car's average acceleration?
What is 5 m/s^2. (25m/s - 0 m/s)/ 5 s
A cannonball is launched horizontally from a tower. If the cannon has a barrel velocity of 50 m/s and it takes the cannonball 1 second to hit the ground, how high is the tower?
What is 4.9m
A freely falling object starts from rest. After falling for 4 seconds, what will the objects speed be? How far has the object fallen?
What is -39.2 m/s. Vf=Vi+at
A plane flies at an angle into a crosswind going East at 50m/s. If the plane actually flies 250m/s, how fast and at what angle must the plane fly?
What is 255m/s @ 11.3 degrees