A model used to clarify spatial distribution of social groups
What is concentric urban zone model?
Model is easy and ...
(Synonym for uncomplicated)
The model is easy to understand, and clearly
This model was developed from observation in the 2000s in Chicago, what is a good question to ask relating to evidence?
What is, is this evidence good enough to trust the model?
Different interpretations results in...
What is different perspectives?
Different perspectives use the urban model different, leading to conflict of knowledge.
A model used by urban planners to understand growth patterns
What is concentric zone model?
Model laid the...
( Word that rhymes with boundcork)
What is Groundwork
This model is used for other urban models
New knowledge has come out that urban development is more complex. What is questioned in terms of evidence?
What is new evidence challenging the old model?
Urban environments have changed over time so...
What is interpretations of the model have changed?
This shows how new knowledges arise, changing interpretations of the use of the model
A theoretical model used by geographers to study the historical development of cities
What is concentric zone model?
This model assumes that growth comes from the center and doesn't account for
What is natural barriers?
It also doesn't account for racial segregation and irregular growth from the center!
Other models such as the urban nuclei models, show different pieces of evidence for what model reflects an urban city the best, based on objectivity. What is does this relate to?
What is which evidence is the most accurate?
The model is a...
What is interpretation of an urban city?
A good TOK question would be if this model properly interprets an urban model.