The action to take in case of emergency.
What is call 911?
The definition of Developmental Psychology.
What is the study of the way people change over time?
Genetic information passed from parent to child.
What is the definition of heredity?
Negative effects of pollutants on development include these.
What are fertility problems, low birth rate, miscarriage, and slow neurological development?
Between 5 and 10 pounds.
What is the normal weight for newborns?
A good response to general mental health needs.
What is listen?
Erikson's psychosocial stage for toddlers.
What is Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt?
The time at which the heart typically begins development.
What is about 3 weeks?
Risk factors for women over 35 include these:
What are fertility problems, high blood pressure, miscarriage, stillbirth, placenta previa, and birth defects?
The process by which neural connections are reduced and made stronger.
What is synaptic pruning?
Stephen's definition for "Safety".
What is risk of serious danger within 24 hours?
Erikson's psychosocial stage for newborns.
What is Trust vs Mistrust?
Preterm, small-for-date, low birth weight, and anoxia are examples of this.
What are problems newborns can face?
Risk factors associated with a father over 40 include these:
What are miscarriage, autism, birth defects, achondroplasia, and schizophrenia?
The mental process of accepting new information into an existing category.
What is assimilation?
A mental health condition that affects 1 in 8 individuals who give birth.
What is postpartum depression?
The psychosocial domain focuses on this.
What are changes in emotion, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships?
A mental health disorder marked by low mood that occurs during pregnancy or within 4 weeks of birth.
What is postpartum depression?
Toxoplasmosis is a parasite associated with this animal.
What are cats?
The mental process of modifying an existing category to accept new information.
What is accommodation?
APGAR stands for this.
What is Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration?
The concept which refers to the brain's ability to adapt to changes.
What is neuroplasticity?
More wealth, higher education, and longer life
What are benefits associated with having a child later in life?
25-35 pounds!
What is the normal amount of weight a woman of a healthy weight could expect to gain during pregnancy?
An innate disposition versus a disposition formed by interaction with the environment.
What is the difference between temperament and personality?