Planning 101
Complete Streets
Planning History

Specific sign placed at certain crosswalks. 

What is a Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon? 


This street element visually and physically narrows the roadway, creating safer and shorter crossings for pedestrians while increasing the available space for street furniture, benches, plantings, and street trees. 

What is a curb extension? 

or What is a bulb out? 


A 20th-century problem emanating from rapid urbanization of areas surrounding a city that eats up the remaining adjacent rural open spaces.

What is Urban Sprawl? 


A technique in which the number of travel lanes and/or effective width of the road is reduced in order to achieve systemic improvements. 

What is a road diet? 


What is lane repurposing? 


Located in the Florida Panhandle, this master-planned community was featured in the sci-fi drama movie, The Truman Show (1998). 

What is Seaside, Florida? 


These create a visual buffer and continuous "wall" effect, acting as a speed management technique. 

What are street trees? 


Offset curb extensions on residential or low volume downtown streets that slows traffic speeds considerably.

What is a chicane? 

Refers to the laws passed by city government, which control the kind and amount of development in an area. These laws are meant to avoid conflict between land use.
What is zoning?

This complete street element reduces vehicle speeds and enhances the pedestrian crossing environment. 

What is a raised crosswalk? 


Journalist, author, and activist who influenced urban studies, sociology, and economics. Her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities argued that "urban renewal" and "slum clearance" did not respect the needs of city-dwellers.

Who is Jane Jacobs? 


The standard width for Shared Use Paths, according to the FDOT Design Manual. 

What is 12-feet? 


These midblock traffic calming devices raise the entire wheelbase of a vehicle to reduce its traffic speed.

What are speed tables? 

Open space of undeveloped land in an urban place, which is accessible to the public for recreational use.
What is Green Space?

Any opening or cut in a sidewalk used for planting trees.

What is a tree well? 


Its affordability opened up car ownership to a much wider range of Americans and spurred the country's car culture. In turn, planners had to find a way to fit more cars on roads and in communities.

What is the Ford Model T?


This design strategy achieves a transition from a higher speed context to a lower speed context. When used in series, they can help maintain a low-speed condition as an alternative to vertical deflection, stop signs, or traffic signalization.

What are roundabouts? 


Zone #1: This "zone" describes the section of the sidewalk that functions as an extension of the building, whether through entryways and doors or sidewalk cafe seating.

What is a frontage? 


Movement of practices and principles that promote walkable, mixed-use, diverse, and highly dense neighborhoods.

What is New Urbanism? 


Curb extensions often applied at the mouth of an intersection.

What is a bulb-out?

or What is a curb extension? 

or What is a gateway? (NACTO definition)


An urban planner/public official that played a large role in shaping the physical environment of New York City in the 20th century. He constructed parks, highways, bridges, playgrounds, housing, tunnels, beaches, zoos, civic centers, exhibition halls, and the 1964-65 New York World's Fair.

Who is Robert Moses? 


This color may be used for pavement markings when there is a need to enhance the visibility of bicycle-vehicular conflict areas. 

What is green? 


Public seating platforms that convert curbside parking spaces into vibrant community spaces. Implements a distinctive design that incorporates seating, greenery, and/or bike racks and accommodate unmet demand for public space on thriving neighborhood retail streets or commercial areas.

What is a parklet?


A high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority, off-board fare collection, elevated platforms and enhanced stations.

What is Bus Rapid Transit? 


A building, monument, or natural landform that stands at the end or in the middle of a road, so that when one is looking up the street the view ends with the site.

What is a terminated vista? 


This Realty Company owned 68 acres of land in the village of Ohio. In 1922, the village council passed a zoning ordinance dividing the village into several districts. The Realty Company filed suit against the village, claiming the ordinance violated the Fourteenth Amendment's protections of liberty and property.  The Court concluded that the speculative damages claimed by the Realty company were insufficient to invalidate an otherwise valid exercise of the village's police power.

What is the Village of Euclid vs. Ambler Realty? 
