Language and Translanguaging
Bilingual Education Theory
Schooling Models for Emergent Bilinguals
Programs Serving ELLs
Models of Bilingual Education
The process of going back from one language to another.
What is translanguaging.
The theory that asserts when students are taught in and develop proficiency in their first language, Lx, that proficiency will transfer to the second language Ly.
What is Cummins' Interdependence Hypothesis.
According to Collier and Thomas (2009) the following list characterizes this. 1. long term 2. instruction through the first language 3. sociocultural support 4. instruction through the first language 5. interactive, cognitively challenging discovery learning 6. integration with the mainstream
What is effective programming for ELLs.
In this program, no first language support is given, and teachers may or may not have received training in the techniques to use with ELLs, students may not receive comprehensible input and will fall behind academically.
What is English immersion programs.
Supported by a large body of research, Baker classifies this type of bilingual program as weak.
What is a short-term transitional program.
Another term used to describe translanguaging.
What is code-switching.
The reason Cummins explains that proficiency transfers from one language to another.
What is common underlying proficiency (CUP).
This is the most important characteristic of an effective program for ELLs.
What is an extended period of support.
In this program, students are taught only in English by teachers who have received some training in strategies for teaching non-English speakers.
What is Structured English Immersion.
Supported by a large body of research, Baker classifies this type of bilingual program as strong.
What is a long-term maintenance or dual language program.
Emergent bilinguals use this way of communicating to establish social solidarity and also because some concepts are better expressed in one language than in another.
What is code-switching.
This image is used to characterize Cummin's CUP model.
What is the dual iceberg image.
Due to this type of programming, ELLs fall behind their native-English speaking peers in their academic and cognitive development and receive no sociocultural support.
What is English-only programs.
In these programs, ELLs are pulled out of their mainstream classes for ESL support.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction.
In this bilingual program, students are prepared to transition into all-English classes within three yeras of beginning school as non-English speakers.
What is Early-Exit Bilingual Education.
The form of communicating in different settings with different people in order to accomplish different purposes.
What is languaging.
Opponents of bilingual education believe in this idea, which asserts that what we learn in one language goes to one part of our brain and cannot be accessed when we are learning and speaking another language.
What is separate underlying proficiency (SUP)
In these programs, students study in conditions that promote first and second language academic, cognitive, and language development in a supportive and sociocultural context.
What is enrichment bilingual programs.
In this program, ELL students are pulled out of mainstream classes to study content that is connected to what the are learning in their classrooms. The ESL specialists use strategies to make the core curriculum comprehensible to ELLs.
What is ESL Pullout or Pull-in Content Instruction.
In these bilingual programs, students receive instruction in their first language through at least sixth grade.
What are Late-Exit or Maintenance Bilingual Programs.
Code switching, or translanguaging, is neither careless nor haphazard, rather it is governed by these.
What is precise language rules.
This is comprised of the following: 1. Attributes of the individual such as cognitive and linguistic abilities. as well as, 2. Specific conceptual and linguistic knowledge dervied from experience and learning.
What is common underlying proficiency or CUP.
These researchers assert the following, "all linguistically diverse groups benefit enormously in the long term from on-grade-level academic work in their first language, for as many years as possible."
Who are Thomas and Collier.
These researchers concluded that English immersion programming for ELLs, "has resulted in the lowest achievement for English learners of any program in the US."
Who are Collier and Thomas.
These bilingual programs emphasize challenging standards in the core curriculum domains while enriching students' development in both their first and second languages. These programs aim for full proficiency in two languages, an understanding and appreciation of the cultures associated with those languages, and high levels of achievement in all core academic domains.
What is Bilingual Enrichment Programs