Rotational Motion
Projectile and Satellite Motion
Math Problems:
Double Points

This term describes the linear speed of an object moving in a circle.

Tangential speed.

This equation tells us the distance that an accelerating object travels over time.
D = (1/2) a t^2
Momentum is equal to the product of _______ and ______.
What is mass and velocity.

This term refers to the product of a force and the distance it is exerted over.

What is work.


I push a 30 kg object along a rough floor with a net force of 120 N. I stop pushing after 4 seconds. How far is the object from its starting point after 4 seconds?

32 m.


True or false: Two objects spinning on the same disk can have different rotational speeds if one is further from the center than the other.

False, they have different tangential speeds.

An object travels horizontally at 60 m/s for 30 seconds. What is it's acceleration?
The change in momentum is called impulse, and is calculated with this equation.
What is Impulse = Force * Time

This term refers to the energy of moving objects.

What is kinetic energy.


A ball with mass 50 kg and velocity 10 m/s collides with another ball with mass 20 kg at rest, and gives that ball all of its momentum. They collide elastically, bouncing and losing no energy in the process. What is the new velocity of the 20 kg ball?

What is 25 m/s


This term describes an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion.

Rotational inertia.

True or false: An orbiting object is merely falling around an planet with enough horizontal speed to keep missing the ground.
Two projectiles are thrown at a person. She catches projectile A in her right hand. Projectile B bounces off her left hand and back toward the thrower. Which hand experiences more impulse?
Projectile B.
This very important scientific principle states that the amount of energy in an isolated system does not increase or decrease.
What is Conservation of Energy.

A 100 kg object hits a wall at 40 m/s, loses all of its momentum, and drops to the ground. The whole collision took 0.1 seconds. What was the force on the object?

What is 40,000 N.


An object thrown through the air might look like it is tumbling chaotically, but its _________  of _______ is still travelling in a smooth arc.

Center of mass.

The remains of a large star can form this object, causing a severe warping in the fabric of the universe and trapping anything that ventures too close.

What is a black hole.

Math Problem: A 1000 kg cannon fires a 20 kg cannon ball at 35 km/h. What is the velocity of the cannon after it fires?
0.7 km/h
This type of energy is stored by working against a force of some kind.
What is potential energy.

An object with mass 12 kg is lifted off the ground 20 m. What is its velocity when it hits the ground?

20 m/s


The force that causes an object to move in a circle is called a _______ force.

What is a centripetal force.


Two objects are floating in open space, exerting gravity on each other. The distance between the two objects is increased by 8 times, but the mass of each object is doubled. By how much has the force of gravity been increased/decreased?

It is equal to 1/16 of the original force.

There are two train cars moving towards each other on a track. One has a mass of 530 kg going 30 m/s, and one has a mass of 700 kg going 45 m/s. The two cars collide inelastically and continue moving down the track together. What is the velocity of the new two-car system?
13 m/s
Math Problem: A young boy with mass 40 kg is sitting on a seesaw, 1.5 meters from the fulcrum. An older boy with mass 75 kg wants to sit on the other side in order to perfectly balance the seesaw. How far from the fulcrum should the boy sit?
0.8 meters.

A spring is compressed 2 meters from its equilibrium position. A 5 kg stone is loaded onto the spring. When the spring is released, the stone is accelerated to a speed of 20 m/s. What is the spring constant of the spring?

K = 500 N/m
