Linear Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton's 1st Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law

How fast something is moving, in a specific direction.

What is velocity?


When you have two velocity vectors of 25 m/s and 75 m/s acting in opposite directions on the same object, this will be your resultant vector's magnitude.

What is 50 meters per second?


The property of matter that describes its resistance to changes in its state of motion.

What is inertia?


An unbalanced force goes by this other name in physics equations.

What is net force?


An action force and its reaction force together comprise part of this, a word beginning with I.

What is an interaction?


The rate at which a velocity changes

What is acceleration?


When two vectors are at right angles to one another, you use this theorem to solve for the resultant vector.

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?


This person was the first to popularize the idea that it is not the Earth that is the center of the universe, but the sun instead.

Who is Copernicus?


The more of this you have, the less you'll accelerate for a given force.

What is mass?


A meteor is pulled downward by the Earth with 1 million newtons of force. Call this the action force. Describe the reaction force:

What is, "The meteor pulls up on the Earth with 1 million newtons"?


What is, "The Earth is pulled up by the meteor with 1 million newtons"?


If your speed is constant, and the direction of motion doesn't change, this is what your acceleration will be

What is zero?


If two vectors of equal magnitude are at right angles to each other, the resultant vector will be this many times larger than those two component vectors. (length of the diagonal of the square that this forms)

What is the square root of 2?


The person who demolished the idea that a force is required to keep an object moving.

Who is Galileo?

A drawing showing all of the forces acting on an object.

What is a free-body diagram?


A cannon fires a cannonball, and both objects experience the same amount of force in opposite directions, but they undergo different amounts of this.

What is acceleration?


This two-word term describes any object that is acted upon by only gravity.

What is free fall?


When air resistance is negligible, this component of a projectile's velocity is a constant; it never changes from moment to moment.

What is the horizontal component?


Perpendicular to friction forces for objects in contact, will be this other type of force which is the kind holding you up in your seat right now.

What is normal force or support force?


When a falling object experiences more air resistance than its own weight, its acceleration will be in this direction.

What is up?


An apple rests on a table. If the action force is the weight of the apple, the reaction for is:

What is the apple pulling up on the Earth.


This is about how FAR (not how fast) an object will fall after three seconds in free fall. (g=10 m/s/s)

What is 45 meters?


The name of the shape created by the path of a projectile, when air resistance is negligible.

What is a parabola?


This is the weight of your 81.8-kg physics teacher on the Moon, where gravity is 1/6 what it is here on Earth.

What is 133.6 newtons?


When a 50-kg skydiver experiences an air resistance equal to half their own weight, this will be their acceleration. (Use g=10 m/s2.) 

What is 5 m/s2?

The exact number of objects involved in an action-reaction force pair.

What is 2?
