What is...
D Major
Tonic or First Note
What is...
On piano...
Where is a F#
What is...
The left most note in the group of 3 accidentals
This is the composer DANTE and MEDUSA
Who is...
Randall Stanbridge
By pushing down the THIRD valve on a brass instrument, the pitch is LOWERED by this amount.
What is...
1 1/2 Steps
What is...
Eb Major
5th Degree
What is...
On Clarinet
How do you play a F natural (1st space on treble clef)
What is...
Thumb and 1
Although he wrote numerous pieces, including the "Syncopated Clock," most people only know his piece called Sleigh Ride
Who is...
Leroy Anderson
A piano's FULL name is what...?
What is...
What is...
E Major
2nd to Last Note
What is...
On Flute
How do you play a Db?
What is...
Composing some of the most prolific works for band, this composer has worked his way around the "PLANETS" as well as through 2 different suites... one of which we have played.
Who is...
Gustav Holst
People used to make instruments out of animal's intestines... what were those instruments called?
What is...
A Bladder Horn
What is...
Db Major
LOWERED 6th degree
What is...
On Trombone
Where can you find an D (3rd line on Bass Clef)
What is...
This composer is the OG writer for our chorales
Who is...
J.S Bach
This piece depicts the bombing of Prague...
What is...
Music for Prague
What is...
F# Major
Raised 4th Degree
What is...
On Trumpet
How do you play a Eb (First space on treble clef)
What is...
Writing many FUN pieces you have heard, he wrote pieces like RIDE, ARABESQUE, and our tune Solas Ane
Who is...
Sam Hazo
Who is...
Leigh Howard Stevens