Academic Misconduct
Behavioral Misconduct
Residence Hall Contract & Policies

If you get charged off campus for breaking a law, can you still be charged for violating a campus policy related to the same incident?



Where can you go to discuss the impact a conduct charge or process is having on you, mentally or emotionally?

CAPS, the Student CARE team, the Office of Advocacy.


True/False: The use of generative artificial intelligence is prohibited in all OSU courses.

False: Generative AI may be used with your instructor’s permission.


Where is smoking allowed on campus?

Nowhere--smoking is prohibited on all OSU property.


True or false: UHDS follows it’s own code of conduct and has a separate system it uses for students alleged to have violated policy.

False: UHDS shares the same case management system and notification software as SCCS. The OSU Code of Conduct applies to all students in the residence halls, and UHDS also adjudicates violations of the broader Student Code of Conduct.  


What standard is used to determine a finding of responsible or not responsible?

A preponderance of evidence standard.


If you want to better understand the policies in your class regarding academic misconduct, where should you look?

The Student Code of Conduct and the class syllabus.


True/False: Helping your friends to study for a class is considered “Assisting” and is a violation of the code.

False: Assisting is defined as helping someone else to engage in academic misconduct. Helping someone as a study partner does not violate the code. 

Note--you must be careful to ensure that your help isn’t cheating. You should never provide answers or prior work to your peers.  


True/False: The Code of Student Conduct applies both on campus and off campus.

True: you are a student wherever you go and must follow the expectations of the university at all times.


What are some appliances you can have in the residence halls?

Rice Cookers, Instant Pots, air fryers, electric kettles, slow cookers, toasters.

Note that these have to be used in the community kitchens.


True or false: If you receive notice of allegation from a college hearing officer or SCCS, and the letter says you’ve been charged with a policy violation, this means you have been found responsible.

False: A notice of allegation is to notify a student that an accusation has been made—students cannot be found responsible unless they are given the opportunity for a formal resolution process.


True or false: If you experience discrimination or retaliatory actions related to something you’ve been accused of, you have no rights to address it while your case is still under investigation

False--there are policies against retaliation--talk to SCCS if you feel you are experiencing retaliatory behavior.


What is the title of the individual responsible for hearing academic misconduct cases?

The College Hearing Officer.


True/False: Since I am entitled to free speech, I can say whatever I want on campus.

False: Freedom of expression does not generally extend to specific threats of violence against individuals, and generally cannot be exercised in ways that significantly disrupt the operation of the university or the legal rights of others. 

With that said, freedom of speech and expression is central to the mission of the university and strongly protected. Others may also express their right to free speech in response to your comments.


True/False: As long as it doesn’t damage the hall or hit anyone, using a soccer ball or basketball in the halls or lounges is permitted?

False: Activities in hallways, residence hall rooms, lounges, or other indoor areas, or areas adjacent to buildings that could interfere with the living-learning environment are prohibited. 

This includes but is not limited to activities such as dribbling basketballs, running in the halls, throwing or catching objects of any kind, skateboarding, riding bikes, and any other activity that could be considered a sport.


If a decision is made about your case that you disagree with, how many days do you have to appeal the decision?

5 business days


If you are involved in a legal proceeding related to something that happened to you off campus, what resources are available to you?

Student Legal Services.


What type of academic misconduct is defined as resubmitting work completed in one class for an assignment in a second class?

“Multiple Submissions of Work." You are not allowed to resubmit material without your instructor’s permission. 


Even if you are above the legal drinking age, some alcohol provisions may still apply to you. Which ones do?

Seven of the eight provisions apply! This includes: 

  1. Giving alcohol to minors 

  1. Public intoxication 

  1. Driving under the influence 

  1. Disruptive behavior due to alcohol 

This is similar for the university’s cannabis provisions.


What are two reasons why UHDS staff may enter your residence hall room (with advanced notice when possible)?

  1. Provision of maintenance and housekeeping services.  

  1. Preparation of space for a new resident or inspection of room conditions upon vacancy of a resident  

  1. Inspection of room, during health and safety checks at term breaks or during break periods, or for sanitation, security, risk, or safety reasons.  

  1. Elimination of nuisances (including but not limited to, sustained noise from music or an alarm clock). 

  1. When reasonable cause exists to indicate a violation of established conduct or health and safety standards. 


What are the three criteria for appealing a conduct decision?

New evidence (that was not reasonably available at the time), procedural irregularity that affected the outcome, or disproportionate sanctions.


Who can be present during your conduct hearing?

Students have the right to an adviser during their hearings.  This could be a friend, a faculty member, a parent, a representative from the Office of Advocacy, or anyone else.


Name two rights available to you if your instructor alleges you engaged in academic misconduct.

You have the right to: 

  1. Receive notice of your alleged misconduct 

  1. Have the opportunity to respond to the allegations 

  1. Have an advisor present throughout the misconduct process 

  1. Appeal 

A full list of rights are available under the Student Bill of Rights.


When would a violation of the Code of Conduct result in someone being suspended or expelled from the university?

Violations that negatively affect the health, safety and well-being of the community are deemed the most severe and may result, upon the first violation, in suspension or expulsion. Similarly, multiple instances of a violation of the Code could result in removal from the institution. 

However, again, the goal of the process is educational, not punitive. We want to see you succeed at OSU! 


True/False: Even if you’re only using water, you cannot play any drinking game (including water pong) in the residence halls.

True: Games of chance, imitation or actual drinking games, contests, and other activities that induce, encourage, or result in the rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited. Items used for drinking games or other activities that encourage the excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g. keg, beer pong tables, beer bongs, funnels, etc.) are prohibited.
