What does BNA stand for?
British North America
Where was Upper Canada located in North America?
Where was Lower Canada located in BNA?
Along the St. Lawrence River.
How did people from England come over to BNA?
In ships that took several weeks.
What country is connected to BNA?
What language do the people in Upper Canada speak?
What language do the people in Lower Canada speak?
Who appointed to colony leaders?
The King of England.
What was travel like for the rich?
Had comfortable cabins.
Is the USA part of BNA
What religion do they practice?
What religion do the people in Lower Canada practice?
The people that were elected formed what?
The elected assemply
What was travel like for the poor?
The poor suffered in dark, filthy rooms below deck. Many people got sick and died.
How was the land divided in BNA?
Colonies of Upper Canada, Lower Canada (Quebc), PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
Territories of Rupert's Land.
What was 1 reasons that made the people in Upper Canada so mad that they rebelled?
1. They did not have a chance to vote in their leaders (democratic government
2. government was not listening to their requests
What was 1 reason that Lower Canada rebelled?
1. They were worried that the English-speaking government would play favourites with Upper Canada.
2. Government was not listening to their complaints.
What Act created this new government?
The Constitutional Act
What was 1 reason people migrated to BNA?
1. new life
2. job
3. no other choice
Who was sent to BNA to try and settle the rebellions and people?
Lord Durham
Who led the Upper Canada rebellion?
William Lyon Mackenzie
Who led the Lower Canada rebellion?
Louis-Joseph Papineau
Who was the ultimate ruler of BNA?
King of England
What was 1 major job that was needed in BNA?
Farmers to clear the land.