This term refers to an agreement where two or more groups come together to form one political union, such as the creation of Canada in 1867
What is Confederation?
This term refers to the repeated conflicts between Canada West and Canada East that made governing difficult.
What is political deadlock?
These were the four Maritime colonies in British North America
These two colonies decided not to join Confederation
Who are PEI and Newfoundland?
This law officially created the country of Canada in 1867.
What is the British North America Act?
This term describes a system of government where power is divided between a central government and provincial governments.
What is federalism?
One of the biggest arguments between Canada West and Canada East was over this system, which would give more seats to areas with larger populations.
What is Representation by Population (Rep by Pop)?
This small island colony was hesitant to join Confederation, fearing that it would lose control over its economy.
Prince Edward Island
These were the first four provinces of Canada
Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
After Confederation, Canada’s government had two levels. What were they?
What are the federal and provincial governments?
This term describes when a country expands its territory, often by taking over nearby lands. Some Americans believed it was their destiny to take over all of North America.
What is Manifest Destiny?
This French-Speaking province was worried that the English speaking majority in the colony would take away French culture
Canada East
The Maritimes were experiencing an economic boom in the 1850s-1860s, making them hesitant to join Confederation. What was this period called?
What is the Golden Age?
Leaders from the colonies first met in this city to seriously discuss Confederation.
This group in Canada’s government is responsible for reviewing laws and representing regional interests.
What is the Senate?
This group of Irish-American fighters launched raids into British North America, hoping to pressure Britain into giving Ireland independence.
Who were the Fenians?
The Province of Canada faced serious trade problems after two major countries ended their trade agreements. Which two nations stopped trading with Canada?
What are Britain and the United States?
The Maritimes were known for building these, which made some people worry that Confederation would hurt their economy.
What are ships?
This document, created at the Québec Conference, outlined the structure of Canada’s government.
What are the Seventy-Two Resolutions?
Who remained the official Head of State of Canada after Confederation?
Who is the British Monarch?
This conflict in the United States made the British colonies fear that they might be invaded by the U.S. after it ended in 1865.
What is the American Civil War?
Many Maritime politicians were skeptical about Confederation because they feared their tax dollars would go toward funding this massive infrastructure project, which mainly benefited central Canada.
What is the railway?
This leader from Canada West was a strong supporter of Confederation and became Canada’s first Prime Minister in 1867.
Who is John A. Macdonald?
Canada officially became a country on this day
July 1st, 1867