Elder Ronald A. Rasband reminded us that fear is not new. What scripture from the Doctrine and Covenants did he quote? Be the first to find it in your scriptures!
Doctrine & Covenants 6:36 “Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not; fear not.”
Elder Steven R. Bangerter said, "Consistent, wholesome family _________ that include prayer, scripture reading, family home evening and attendance at Church meetings, though seemingly small and simple, create a culture of love, respect, unity and security." Fill in the blank.
Elder M. Joseph Brough told the story of his stake president, Bruce M. Cook, who learned a lesson on forgiveness. Tell the story.
During the 1970s Brother Cook and others started a business that ended up failing. Investors filed a lawsuit against them to recover losses. The attorney for the investors was a counselor in Brother Cook’s family ward’s bishopric. Brother Cook developed real animosity toward him and considered the attorney his enemy. After five years of legal battles Brother Cook lost everything including his home. In 2002 Brother Cook was called as the new stake president of his stake. His wife suggested he call this attorney as one of his counselors. As she spoke the spirit confirmed to Brother Cook that this attorney should be his counselor. When Brother Cook spoke the name of the man he had considered his enemy the anger, animosity, and hate he had harbored disappeared. In that moment Brother Cook learned of the peace that comes with forgiveness through the atonement of Christ.
Elder Quentin L. Cook stated, “World conditions increasingly require deepening individual __________ to and strengthening faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement.” Fill in the blank.
– Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, ““It is in keeping their covenants with _________ that those who are ‘the elect according to the covenant’ avoid deception and remain firm in the faith of Christ.” Fill in the blank.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks spoke about understanding eternal truths taught in the plan of salvation. He quoted part of this scripture, “seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” Be the first to find it in your scriptures!
Doctrine & Covenants 88:118
Elder David A. Bednar compared “gathering together in one all things in Christ” to what everyday object which obtains its strength from many intertwined individual strands?
Years ago President Henry B. Eyring was first counselor to a district president in the eastern United States. More than once as they were driving to visit branches in the church the district president would say to him, “Hal, when we meet someone . . .” What counsel did the district president give President Eyring?
Treat them as if they were in serious trouble. And you will be right more than half the time.
Elder Ulisses Soares compared Latter-day Saints of all backgrounds coming together and serving as followers of Christ to what river in Brazil?
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught in the church of Jesus Christ we join with others who seek a place where we can feel at home — “a place of growth where, together, we can believe, ____ and do." Fill in the blank.
In speaking of the commandment for us to forgive all men Elder Jeffrey R. Holland quoted part of this doctrinal mastery scripture. Be the first to find it!
Doctrine & Covenants 64:9-11
President Dallin H. Oaks taught this doctrine, “______ is eternal. Before we were born on this earth, we all lived as male and female spirits in the presence of God.” Fill in the blank.
Elder Robert C. Gay told about giving his sister, who had had many trials in her life, a blessing before she passed away. Through the spirit Elder Gay was made acutely aware of his sister’s goodness. Heavenly Father helped him see her as He saw her. During that final evening with her he felt Heavenl Father was asking him, “Can’t you see that everyone around you is a ______ _____?” Fill in the blank A
Sacred Being
Elder Neil L. Andersen taught, “The wounded who nurse the wounds of others are God’s ______ on earth.” Fill in the blank.
President M. Russell Ballard encouraged everyone to prayerfully study the vision of the Spirit World that President Joseph F. Smith received 100 years ago. Where is this vision recorded?
Doctrine and Covenants 138
President Henry B. Eyring quoted part of this doctrinal mastery scripture when he said, “whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” Be the first to find the scripture!
Doctrine & Covenants 1:37-38
When speaking about the sacramental prayers President Henry B. Eyring taught, “Each time we say the word ____ when that prayer is offered on our behalf, we pledge that by partaking of the bread we are willing to take upon us the holy name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments.”
A few months into his mission, Elder Matthew L. Carpenter’s son felt a dull pain in his head. He felt very strange. He lost control of his left arm, then his tongue went numb. The left side of his face began to droop. He had difficulty speaking. He knew something was wrong. What he didn’t know was his was experiencing what?
A massive stroke (in 3 areas of his brain)
– President Henry B. Eyring lovingly spoke of his dear wife, Kathleen, who can only speak a few words a day now. Every night and morning he sings hymns with her and they pray. Pres. Eyring has to be the voice in the prayers but sometimes he can see Sister Eyring mouthing the words to the hymns. The other day, after singing the words of the chorus: “Love one another as Jesus loves you. Try to show kindness in all that you do,” Sister Eyring said softly but clearly, “___, ___, ___” A
Try, try, try
In speaking about ministering and being the Lord’s shepherds, Sister Bonnie L. Cordon reminded the youth they are needed. She told the youth if they don’t have a ministering assignment they should do what?
Talk with your Relief Society or elders quorum president.
Elder Ulisses Soares quoted this doctrinal mastery scripture about the worth of souls. Be the first to find the scripture!
Doctrine & Covenants 18:10-11
Elder Matthew L. Carpenter said, “[Heavenly Father] knows our weaknesses and the propensities and temptations we struggle with. During mortality we are tested to see if we will choose ____ over ____.”
Good, evil
Several years ago while preparing for a business trip Elder Jack N. Gerard began to experience chest pain. Out of concern his wife decided to accompany him. On the first leg of the flight the pain intensified to the point it was difficult for him to breathe. When the plane landed they went to the nearest airport where after several tests the doctor told them he was safe to travel. They continued on to their next flight. While in mid-air the pilot asked Elder Gerard to identify himself. Tell the rest of the story.
A flight attendant told the Gerards they had received an emergency call. There was an ambulance waiting at the airport to take him to the hospital. At the emergency room two anxious doctors told him he had been misdiagnosed. He had a serious pulmonary embolism or blood clot in his lung. He needed immediate attention and many patients do not survive this condition.
Elder Dale G. Renlund said, “Personal ______ was — and is — vital to (God's) plan, which we learned about in our premortal existence. We accepted the plan and chose to come to earth.” Fill in the blank.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland asked us to be what when he said, “My beloved friends in our shared ministry of reconciliation I am asking you to be a __________.”