Forgive me _______________ for I have sinned.
The prayer the priest asks us to say during confession.
Act of Contrition
This person was the only person born without original sin
Mary and/or Jesus
Step 1. _____ the _______
Greet the priest
We can receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation _____________
as many times as we want.
This is my first ________________.
Words of forgiveness and peace
This person was directly tempted by the devil
Very serious and knowingly committed types of sin where we completely turn away from God are known as _______________________
Mortal sins
After the priest blesses you, you say, ___________
The prayer or good deed the priest assks us to do
An angel appeared to this person and told him to name the baby Jesus
Step 3. Say _______________ me father, for I have sinned. This is my first confession.
Less serious sins that damage our relationship with God are known as ________________
Venial sins
For these and all my _______________, I am sorry.
What we do to prepare our minds for for confession
Examinantion of Conscience
Many people were upset when Jesus had dinner with this person who was also a greedy tax collector
your sins
In our pews.
O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and I _______________ all my sins...
The story of the Prodigal ______________ tells how a father welcomed back his child after a life of sin.
Step 5. When finished, say "_______ ________ ______ _______ _______ ______, I am sorry.
For these and all my sins
Before we leave for the day, we need to pick up our Communion ____________ and place our ______________ on the banner
pins, sheep