Learning about Christ and His Church is this gift.
What roots us more deeply in the divine filliation which makes us cry, "Abba Father!" In other words, you are adopted by the Father, you are a true son or daughter of the father
The Sacrament of Confirmation
The first sacrament of initiation
The age most Catholics are baptised
As a baby
roughly 15 minutes
Being able to interpret and know what to do with what you've learned, so that you can apply it correctly
Confirmation unites us more firmly to this Person.
Most people will receive this sacrament around 2nd or 3rd grade
Eucharist or Holy Communion
The age most Catholics receive first Holy Communion
2nd or 3rd grade, or 8-10yrs old
When we are baptised....
It takes away all our sins, including the sin of Adam & Eve, Original Sin.
Knowing when and where to apply what you've learned in the best possible way
Confirmation renders our bond to be more perfect with what? We
the Church
When a man and woman become one
How old must we be to be Confirmed
at least 7 yrs old or in our area, typically 13-16 years old
We are confirmed
We become fully initiated into the Church, as if we are an "adult" in the church.
Strength for the journey
Confirmation gives us a special strength of this PERSON to spread and defend the faith by Word and Action.
The Holy Spirit
The final sacrament of initiation that you can receive
When can one receive the sacrament of Last Rites (Extreme Unction)?
on your deathbed
We go to Confession
It removes all our sins.
God is in heaven, and we give Him our love, honor, and glory because we have learned that it is good and right and just. And maybe just a little "fear" because of his great glory....
Fear of the Lord.
We become more fully united to what
the Church
You want to become a priest. What sacrament is this?
Holy Orders
usually as an adult
We commit a grave, MORTAL Sin, and haven't gone to confession but are at Mass...
we should not receive Communion until we go to confession if it is a mortal sin.