During this season, we prepare for Easter.
Catholics are required to attend Mass every Sunday because every Sunday is a Holy Day.
True or False.
Who is the current Pope?
St. Francis
What descends upon you during Confirmation?
The Holy Spirit
What do Catholics avoid eating on Fridays (and Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) during Lent?
Red Meat
This day commemorates Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples, and the institution of the Eucharist and priesthood.
Holy Thursday
The Eucharist is a symbol of Christ's body.
True or False.
Who is known as one of the greatest Catholic thinkers?
St. Thomas Aquinas
What do you receive during your Confirmation?
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What special day is the beginning of Holy Week?
Palm Sunday
On what day do we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross?
Good Friday
What prayer do we say before meals?
Who is the patron saint of our church?
St. Thomas More
During Confirmation, you will be sealed with the ___________________ oil?
What special thing does the Priest do during Holy Thursday Mass?
He washes the feet of 12 people (who represent the 12 apostles)
On what day does the Priest say, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return"?
Ash Wednesday
How many times a year are Catholics REQUIRED to go to confession?
At least once a year, especially during Lent
Who is the Archbishop of our Diocese (the Diocese of Detroit)?
Archbishop Edward Weisenburger
Bonus (100) - Who did Archbishop Weisenburger just replace?
Why is it requested you wear some red for Confirmation?
Red is the color of Pentecost
Who condemned Jesus to death?
Pontius Pilate
Easter is on the same day each year. True or False
Bonus (100) - How does the church determine the date of Easter each year?
What does the word "Gospel" mean?
Good News!
Who is the best Catechism teacher you have ever had?
Oh, it had better be me :)
Confirmation is the end of your Catholic education.
True or False.
False! Catholics should continue to learn and grow in their faith their entire lives.
What is the only day of the year where there is no distribution of communion?
Holy Saturday (the day is spent waiting for Jesus to rise from the dead and return to us)