What Sacrament does Confirmation complete?
What is Baptism?
When was the Holy Spirit present?
In Genesis 1:1-2 it says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." The Holy Spirit participated in the creation of all creation.
What is a basin of blessed water inside the Church?
What is a Baptismal Font?
When does a priest wear a rose vestment?
What is Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of Lent?
What is a mitre?
What is the proper liturgical headdress for all Bishops and the Pope?
What is put on your forehead when you are Confirmed?
What is Chrism?
What are these: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control?
What are Fruits of the Holy Spirit
What is the container where they keep consecrated hosts?
What is a Tabernacle?
What color garment does a child who is being baptized wear?
What is white?
What is a Crozier?
What is a pastoral staff? (curved to remind the Bishop of the Shepherd's crook-like a walking stick)
What is the name of the person you choose to walk this journey with you?
What is a Sponsor?
What is the name for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
What is the Trinity?
Where is the story of Jesus' life depicted in the Church?
What are the Stations of the Cross?
Who wears a Fisherman's ring and why? Extra points.
Who is the Pope and it is in honor of St. Peter the first pope and a fisherman by trade.
What is a paten?
What is the vessel on which the altar bread is offered in the Holy sacrifice?
Name 3 things that a Sponsor has to be in order to be a sponsor in the Catholic Church
What are:•Baptized; •Faithful
•Witness to Catholic Faith; •Prayerful
•Aware of Christian responsibility; •Honest
•Knows you well; Over 16 yrs
What symbolic gesture do we make to remember the Holy Spirit?
What is the cross?
What is the room called where all the robes for the priests and altar servers are kept?
What is the Vesting room?
What is an Alb and what is the does a white Alb represent? extra points
What is a tunic and what is purity, triumph and innnocence?
Who is the Bishop of Oakland?
Who is Bishop Barber?
Name five of the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Wisdom; Fear of God
Understanding; Counsel
Fortitude; Knowledge
When did the Holy Spirit first encounter the disciples?
What is Pentacost? (50 days after Easter)
Where is the Gospel read?
What is the Ambo?
What is a Zuchetto?
What is a skullcap? Pope wear white and cardianals wear red .
What is the name for the altar vessel in which the consecrated particles (Blessed Sacrament) for the Communion for the laity are kept?
Extra point what is the cup in which the wine and water for the Eucharistic Sacrifice is contained?
What is a Ciborium?
What is a Chalice?