Name the 2 major components of the Mass
The Liturgy of the Word (Readings) and the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Name 4 components of a sacrament
1) An efficacious sign of Grace - it has an actual effect
2) Instituted by Christ
3) Entrusted to the Church
4) By which the Devine life is dispensed
5) It is a physical as well as spiritual experience
The 3 Commandments pertaining to our relationship with God
1) I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, you shall have no other gods before me.
2) Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain.
3) Honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy
Name 3 different ways we pray
Formal prayer - Our Father, Hail Mary etc.
Prayer from the heart - Praying alone in our own words
Intentions/Petitions - asking God to do something for yourself or others
Thanksgiving - Recognizing God's active role in the blessings we receive
Worship - Recognizing God's great power
name the persons of the Trinity
Holy Spirit
What is the appropriate response after the Gospel is read
"Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ"
Name the sacraments that not every Catholic receives
Holy Orders
Annointing of the Sick
Meaning of the word "Covet"
To desire something or someone without putting in the necessary effort to achieve it.
Say the Our Father
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Name the 3 places a soul can go after death
You do these 2 things upon entering the church
Bless yourself with Holy Water and Genuflect (facing the Tabernacle, lower right knee to the ground and do the sign of the cross)
name the sacraments of initiation
The 4th and 6th commandments are so important because they are the basis for this societal element
4 Honor your mother and your father
6 You shall not commit adultery
Together these form the basis of the family which is a reflection of the Trinity and Holy family
A meditation on 5 sacred mysteries while reciting a series of repeated formal prayers
The Holy Spirit is sometimes seen as this animal
A Dove
Name a time in the Mass when we stand
Entrance procession
Our Father
This sacrament of healing for the penitant to share their stumbling blocks to closeness with the Lord and be reunited after doing something to repair the offense
Gossip can be a sin against these commandments
7 Thou shalt not bear false witness
8 Thou shalt not steal
Say a formal prayer other than the Hail Mary, Glory Be, Our Father and Act of Contrition
Let's hear it!
When was the Eucharist instituted
At the last supper when Jesus said "... this is my Body..."
Define a Holy Day of Obligation and name at least 2 Holy Days of Obligation in the US
A Holy Day of Obligation is a day (in addition to Sunday) when Catholics are required to attend Mass.
Jan 1st - Mary, the Holy Mother of God
May 29th - Ascension of the Lord
Aug 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nov 1st - All Saints
Dec 8th- Immaculate Conception
Dec 25th - Christmas
What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Confirmation?
Special graces given by the Holy Spirit to help individuals live a Catholic life and serve God effectively on earth
Fear of the Lord
Name 5 ways one may sin against the 5th Commandment
1) To end *any* person's life
2) Violence
3) Hurtful anger
4) Neglecting essential self-care
5) Excessive risk taking, Substance abuse, self-harm
The origin of the first half of the Hail Mary
At the Annunciation, the Angel Gabriel addresses and speaks to Mary using these words in the bible
What day is there no Eucharist in the Tabernacle
Good Friday