Vocabulary Words
Confirmation and the Holy Spirit
Graces of Confirmation& Effects
The Holy Spirit


A name for the Holy Spirit, who will live in you and guide you to truth.


 Sponser and the qualifications

-The sponsor for a Confirmation candidate is meant to provide spiritual help to the candidate

-He or she should be willing to serve as a strong and lasting Christian influence on the candidate

-The sponsor enters into a spiritual relationship with the candidate and acts as a spiritual parent and mentor

-Therefore, it is both a great blessing and a responsibility to commit to the role of a sponsor


  • a person must have received all three Sacraments of Christian Initiation

  • The sponsor must, be at least sixteen years old, 

  • He must be living “a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken”


Effects of Baptism

-makes us members of Christ's body and sharers in his priesthood

-forms us into gods people

-remits sin (orignial and personal)

-makes us a new creation as adopted children of our loving god


Names of the Holy Spirit and location in bible



How can we live our confirmation?

discuss in class


-Age of Reason 

-particular judgment 

-Also called the “age of discretion,” the age (typically the end of the seventh year) at which a person becomes capable of moral reasoning.

-The individual judgment of every person right after death, when Christ will rule on his or her eternal destiny in heaven (after purification in Purgatory, if needed) or in hell.


Essential Rite of Confirmation 

  1. The Essential Rite: The essential rite of Confirmation includes the anointing with chrism and the words: "Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit" in the Roman Rite, or "The seal of the gift that is the Holy Spirit. 

  2.  This rite is typically administered by a bishop, although in certain circumstances, a priest may also confer the sacrament.


Effects of Confirmation 

-seals us with the gift of the Holy Spirit

-makes us more Christ-like and more closely bound to the church

-strengthens us to witness courageously to our faith

-gives us the desire to do the Spirit work:preach the gospel of Jesus in the word and deed


Origin of the Holy Spirit

-Pentecost, the holy spirit came down Act 2 1-4

And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind,* and it filled the entire house in which they were.

Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,* which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues,* as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.



enables us to give God true worship and praise and to show proper respect for God


-Chrism Mass


-An annual Mass, celebrated in a diocesan cathedral on or near Holy Thursday, in which the bishop consecrates the sacred chrism and other oils that will be used in the diocese throughout the year.

-The name in the Eastern rites for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It comes from the chrism used as part of the sacrament.


Requirements for Confirmation 

  1. must have reached the age of discretion, which is defined as about the age of seven;

  2. profess the Catholic faith and desire to receive the sacrament;

  3. be in a state of grace;

  4. be ready to live as a witness to Jesus Christ.


Effects of the Eucharist 

-provides spiritual food for our pilgrimage to God

-signifies the unity of Gods people

-enables us to share in the sacrifice of the cross, leading to redemption 

-challenges us to ask the Father continously for the gift of the Spirit who enables us to acept Jesus as Lord and Savoir


Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Love, patience, longanimity, modesty, joy, kindness, mildness, continence, peace, goodness, faith, chastity



A name for the Holy Spirit, who will live in you and guide you to truth


-fruits of the Spirit

-A candidate for Confirmation.

-Perfections that result from living in union with the Holy Spirit.


Order of Rite in the Confirmation


Graces of Confirmation 

-Confirmation completes Baptism and perfects baptismal grace

-Helps you become a more perfect imagine of Christ

-Makes a more complete member of his Body

-Strengthens you to live as a Gospel witness in all that you do 

-Intensifies your relationship with the Holy Spirit, who lives within you, and helps you to be more receptive, more open to his gifts


Who is the Holy Spirit?

  • The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity in Christian theology and we receive the Holy Spirit at confirmation.

  • The holy spirit is  consists of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. 

  • The Holy Spirit is fully divine, consubstantial with the Father and the Son, and plays a crucial role in the life of the Church and the individual believer.



helps us give good advice to others as they try to live their Christian faith


-General Intercessions

-laying on of hands

-Also called the Prayer of the Faithful; prayers of petition for the sake of others.

-A gesture that is part of the essential rite and origin of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Acts 19:1–6 tells the story of a new group of disciples who, after being baptized, received the Holy Spirit when St. Paul laid hands on them.

Matter, Form, Recipient,Minister

-Chrism oil, (name) be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.", Confirmands, Bishop (in certain cases a Priest)


Effects of Confirmation 

-forms a deeper bond with the church

-increases the gifts of the holy spirit in you

-roots you more fully as a child of god

-shares in Christ priesthood by making you closer to Christ

-endows you with a special strength to be able to defend the faith in deed and word


What is confirmation?

  • It is a sacrament through which the faithful receive the Holy Spirit in a special way, strengthening their bond with Christ and the Church, and empowering them to live out their Christian faith more fully.

  • In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is"sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.

  • Confirmation is received only once because it marks you with an indelible character, which helps you spread and defend the faith as a witness of Christ.



the origin of confirmation, when the holy spirit came down and came down upon the 12 apostles
