Act it Out
True or False
Sketch it
Imagine If

Act it Out

Your friend just made fun of your science project that you worked really hard on and you feel hurt.  Using an “I-Message”, act out what you could say to your friend

Use an " I message"

Say how you feel, What you hope for an how you want to be treated. For example,

I Felt _____when you_____.

I would like ______.

or I want_______.


True or False


It is always best to react to a conflict right away when it happens, even when you feel angry.


Wait until you are calm before addressing a situation. Take some time to cool off and breath.



Sketch it

How do you often feel when you have a disagreement or conflict with someone that you care about?


Imagine if 

Imagine if your friend takes your favorite game and starts playing with it and messing it up intentionally. You are not okay with it. How would you handle it?

Say words that mean "NO"

Use a strong and respectful voice to say that you are not okay with something. 

"Please stop"


***Triple Points***

Which of the following is NOT a healthy way to deal with a conflict:

1)Use an I-Message.

2)Ask for help.

3)Do whatever it takes to prove you are right.

3)Do whatever it takes to prove you are right.


Act it Out


You are playing with the soccer ball during recess and your classmate wants to use the ball for a different game.  Act out how you could resolve this conflict using a

“Win-Win Solution.”

Brainstorm a solution and make a deal where everyone feels heard and that their voices and needs matter.

Play a game of chance- 

Like- Rock Paper Scissors or Flip a Coin


True or False

Conflict is not a normal part of life; only people who have bad luck, are fussy, or make bad decisions have to deal with conflict?

False. Conflict is a normal part of life. 


How do you often feel when you are able to resolve a conflict using a healthy conflict resolution strategy?

Sketch It!


Imagine if

***Double Points***

Imagine if your classmate is goofing off and keeps trying to talk to you during a time you are supposed to be quietly writing in your journal.  You want to focus on your work and are concerned you’ll get in trouble, but don’t want to be rude to your classmate.

How would you resolve this conflict?

Tell your classmate to stop what they are doing. If they continue to distract you, tell the teacher.


Which of the following are healthy ways to deal with a conflict:

1)Apologize if you make a mistake.

2)Yell at the other person.

3)Flip a coin or use rock-paper-scissors.

1)Apologize if you make a mistake.

3)Flip a coin or use rock-paper-scissors.


Act it Out

Think about a time when you had a disagreement or conflict with someone else.  What was the issue and how did you resolve it?

The point of conflict is not to prove who is right and who is wrong but to come to a resolution together.


True or False

Conflicts are almost always “bad”

and should be avoided.

False. The point of conflict is not to prove who is right and who is wrong but to come to a resolution together.



What is a common conflict that people your age often have to deal with?

Sketch It!


Imagine if there was only one cookie left and both you and your sister wanted it.

Brainstorm two solutions


***Double Points***

Imagine that you teased your friend and realized that you hurt their feelings by what you said.

What could you do to make repairs and resolve this conflict?


Saying you are sorry when you make a mistake helps to make repairs.


Your close friend seemed like they were ignoring you during recess when you tried to talk to them.  You feel hurt and worried by this and are wondering if you did something wrong.  How would you resolve this conflict?

Act It Out!

Ask your friend if you hurt their feelings?

Listen with an open heart. Apologize

Saying you are sorry when you make a mistake helps to make repairs.


True or False

A conflict can happen between two or more people.  A conflict can also happen inside of or within a person, too.



What is a conflict you have had to

deal with lately? 

Sketch It!


Imagine if your brother or sister accidentally tripped you and you got really mad and felt the urge to push them back.  How could you de-escalate this conflict?  What could you do or say that would help keep this conflict from getting worse?


Demonstrate two different ways you can get calm before dealing with a conflict.

Get calm first. Wait until you are calm before addressing a situation. Take some time to cool off and breath.


You are working on your homework that is due the next day when your brother or sister walks into the room and turns on the television to their favorite show.  You start to feel distracted and aggravated by the noise, having a hard time focusing on your homework.

Brainstorm two different ways to resolve this conflict

and act them both out.

1.Take turns with the space

2.Go somewhere else.

3.Ignore or walk away

4. Ask a parent for help.

5. Put headphones on

6. Ask them to please lower the volume


True or False

How someone responds to a disagreement or problem can either make the conflict worse or help everyone to feel that they are valued and that their voices matter.



Sometimes what can start out as a small conflict can escalate, or get worse, depending on how people react to or deal with that conflict.  What is something that a person might do that would likely escalate a conflict, instead of resolving it?

Sketch It!

Yell, hit, name call, ignore the other person, talk bad about the other person.


Imagine if you saw your friend cheat on a test.

When you asked him about it, he got mad at you. You feel very conflicted because you don’t want your friend to be mad at you, but at the same time, you know that what he did wasn’t right.  How would you resolve this conflict?


Act out – in silence - three different healthy ways to resolve a conflict  while the rest of us try to guess what those healthy conflict resolution strategies are.
