What is a word that defines conflict?
Anger, screaming, fighting, unhappiness
What is a type of family conflict?
Phone usage, curfew or bedtime,
school behavior,
grief and depression amongst other emotions
What is Conflict Resolution?
The process of ending a dispute and reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties involved.
Why is it important to ๐๐ผListen and communicate clearly?
Show that you understand what the other person is saying and how they feel by restating what they've said in your own words.
Conflict is when?
Two people or groups disagree, and the disagreement causes friction
What are some examples of conflict with peers
Stealing or not returning items borrowed
What is a unhealthy way to deal with conflict?
Why is it important to ๐ซถ Show kindness and concern?
Try to understand the other person's perspective by putting yourself in their shoes. This can help build positive relationships and reduce hurtful behavior.
Conflicts trigger?
strong emotions.
Social Media Conflicts?
Fake pages
Describe the "Foot on the Gas" stress response
An angry or agitated stress response. You're heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable to sit still.
Why is it important to โ๏ธ Try to create a positive solution?
Everyone can move forward happy with the results. They can learn from the conflict and they will not have another conflict over the same issue.
Conflicts are an opportunity for?
Conflict at School: Teacher Issues
Dislike certain teachers
Describe the "Foot on the brake" stress response
A withdrawn or depressed stress response. You shut down, space out, and show very little energy or emotion. Denial or distraction through substance abuse or thrill seeking.
Why is it important to ๐ง Stay calm?
it allows for clearer thinking, better communication, and a higher chance of reaching a positive resolution;
You should feel calm and composed when entering into conflict resolution and make sure you get your thoughts together beforehand so you know exactly what to say, and how to say it.
Conflicts continue to fester when?
Video game conflict?
Player cheating
Teammate sucks
Name one of the Six Key Actions for Resolving Conflict
Recognize emotions.
Briefly describe the problem and share your positive intentions.
Actively listen and seek FIRST to understand.
Share your perspective of the problem and the impact.
Work together on an action plan or next steps.
Check for progress and express thanks.
Why is it important to ๐ Be willing to try even when it is hard?
it demonstrates a commitment to the relationship and a willingness to work through difficulties to maintain positive relationships