Disagreements within yourself
Example: Deciding between studying or playing video games
What is Personal Conflict?
Pay attention and understand others' feelings.
Example: making eye contact, nod, and ask questions
What is active listening?
Knowing your own emotions
Example: Recognizing when you're feeling angry or upset
What is Self-Awareness?
What's the disagreement about?
What is Identifying the Problem?
Disagreements between people
Example: Arguing with a friend about where to sit at lunch
What is Social Conflict?
Finding a middle ground where both sides give a little
Example: taking turns choosing activities with friends
What is compromise?
Controlling your reactions
Example: Taking deep breaths to calm down before responding
What is Emotional Regulation?
Sharing feelings and listening to each other
Whatis Discussing the Issue?
Disagreements at work or school
Example: Group project members not agreeing on tasks
What is Workplace Conflict?
Asking a neutral person to help solve the problem
Example: A teacher helping two students resolve an argument
What is Mediation?
Understanding others' feelings
Example: Imagining how your friend feels when left out
What is Empathy?
Coming up with ideas together
What are Brainstorming Solutions?
When personal goals clash with responsibilities
Example: Wanting to play in a game but being injured
What is Conflict of interest?
Talking it out to find a solution that works for everyone
Example: Discussing chore schedules with siblings
What is Negotiation?
Communicating well with others
Example: Using "I feel" statements instead of blaming others
What is Social Skills?
Choosing the best option for everyone
What is Agreeing on a Solution
Disagreements between countries
Example: Countries disagreeing on trade rules
What are international conflicts?
Working together to find a win-win solution
Example: brainstorming for a group project
What is Collaboration?
Wanting to resolve conflicts positively
Example: Focusing on maintaining friendships, even during disagreements
What is Motivation?
Checking if the solution is working and make changes if needed
What is following up?