In a leadership role, you are responsible for stepping into conflict as a ______ (role) when necessary.
Mediator, or middle-man
Conflict is a disagreement or struggle that happens when there is a clash of personalities or ________.
Conflicts aren't fun, but we have to __________ them, rather than pretend they don't exist.
Acknowledge, or address
If you don't do this, anger may cloud your judgement and lead to saying something you will regret.
Keep Calm
You should prioritize the parties’ well-being, their rights, and ______.
Conflict is a disagreement or struggle that happens when there is a clash of biases or _________.
Finding the _______ of the problem will help in understanding how it grew in the first place.
_______ will set the tone for the discussion and act as a foundation of expectations for the conversation.
Setting ground rules
Understand that your outside perspective can help ease ______ (similar to strain) and help to navigate solutions.
Conflict is a disagreement or struggle that happens when there are unresolved problems from ___ _______.
The past
Overcome the “_____ vs _____” mentality by reframing your conflict resolution as a common goal. Instead, think “we.”
"Us vs Them"
Sometimes conflict stems from beyond what we see at the surface. Use ______ (similar to compassion) to look beyond what is said to identify deeper issues.
You should speak with each party ______ to get all sides of the story.
Conflict is a disagreement or struggle that happens when there are unhealthy feelings of ____________.
While you listen, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Prove that you _______ what they are saying.
Hear, or understand
Your _____ _______ tells a story beyond verbal communication. Try to fully face and look at each other to show that you are actively listening.
Body Language
Do your part to _______________ and keep peace when conversations take a turn.
Propose solutions
Conflict is a disagreement or struggle that happens when there is poor ____________.
Take time at the end to review the ______ needed from each person to achieve the goal/solution.
Minimize escalating the tension by avoiding ______ and aggressive language or tones.