True False
Multiple Choice
Short Story

A problem at work must be handled the same way as a personal conflict. (T/F)



 Which of the following is a key component of effective confrontation in management?

A. Avoiding the issue to prevent conflict

B. Yelling to assert authority

C. Addressing the issue directly and respectfully

D. Ignoring the concerns of others

C. Addressing the issue directly and respectfully


"You're always causing problems; why can't you just get along with everyone?"

It sounds like you’re having some challenges with getting along with others. Can you share more about what’s been happening so we can work on a solution together?


Jenna, a resident, has been playing loud music late at night, disturbing her neighbors. Several residents have complained, and the noise is affecting everyone’s sleep.

Question: How should the RA address Jenna’s behavior to resolve the noise issue while maintaining a positive relationship?

The RA should approach Jenna calmly and privately, explaining the complaints they’ve received and the impact on other residents. They should then work together to find a solution, such as setting quiet hours or adjusting the volume.


Pick one person from your team and another from a different team. 

They will play rock, paper, scissors best out of 5

Whoever wins...

Does not get the point


Unless each step in the conflict resolution process is followed precisely, a conflict cannot be resolved. (T/F)



Which of the following is NOT an example of a personal attitude toward a conflict?
level of importance
future goals

C. future goals


I don't have time for this; you need to figure it out on your own.

I understand this is important to you, and I want to help. Let’s find a time to discuss this in more detail and work on a solution together.


Tom and Mike, two residents, have had a heated argument in the common area. Their conflict is escalating, and other residents are becoming uncomfortable with the situation.

Question: What steps should the RA take to de-escalate the conflict between Tom and Mike and ensure the common area remains a comfortable space for everyone?

The RA should intervene calmly, separate Tom and Mike if necessary, and speak with each individually to understand their perspectives. They should facilitate a discussion where both can express their views and work towards a resolution, possibly with a follow-up to ensure the conflict is resolved.


What day and date is MoveUp?

Friday the 16th


Effective confrontation involves addressing issues directly and respectfully rather than avoiding or ignoring them.



Conflicts arise when __________.
values differ or are questioned
power is used to manipulate
perceptions vary
all of the above

D. All of the above


You need to stop complaining and just accept the rules.

I see you have concerns about the rules. Let’s discuss your perspective and see if there’s a way to address your concerns while still following the guidelines.


Emily is concerned about her roommate, Lisa, who has been isolating herself and appears withdrawn. Emily approaches the RA for support, worried about Lisa’s well-being.

Question: How should the RA approach the situation to support Lisa while respecting her privacy and addressing Emily’s concerns?

The RA should check in with Lisa privately, expressing concern in a non-intrusive manner and offering support or resources. They should also encourage Lisa to reach out if she needs help while reassuring Emily that the RA is monitoring the situation.


A group of residents frequently complains about noise coming from a particular room late at night. As an RA, you’ve already addressed the issue with the resident causing the noise, but the complaints continue. What should be your next step to effectively manage the situation?


A. Ignore the complaints and hope the problem resolves itself.

B. Increase monitoring of the noise levels and follow up with the resident to ensure they understand the importance of adhering to quiet hours.

C. Move the resident to a different room to solve the noise issue.

D. Publicly address the noise issue in a common meeting to make the resident aware of the complaints.

B. Increase monitoring of the noise levels and follow up with the resident to ensure they understand the importance of adhering to quiet hours.


In conflict management, focusing on the individuals involved rather than the underlying issues is an effective way to resolve conflicts.

False. Effective conflict management focuses on addressing the underlying issues rather than targeting individuals, ensuring that solutions address the root causes and not personal grievances.


Which strategy is most effective in ensuring a successful resolution during a conflict management process?

A. Focusing on finding a solution that benefits only one party

B. Allowing emotions to dictate the outcome

C. Facilitating a discussion where all parties can express their perspectives

D. Imposing a solution without input from those involved

C. Facilitating a discussion where all parties can express their perspectives


Restate the sentence, "You are not telling me what is going on!" to avoid assigning blame and make it more neutral.

"I feel like we are not communicating as well as we could," or, "I hope we can both start communicating our thoughts better," are possible answers. 


A resident, Alex, has repeatedly left shared spaces messy, causing frustration among the other residents who use these spaces. The RA receives multiple complaints about Alex’s behavior.

Question: How should the RA address the cleanliness issue with Alex to promote responsibility and respect for shared spaces?

The RA should speak with Alex privately to discuss the cleanliness concerns, explaining how their behavior affects others. They should remind Alex of the shared responsibilities and work with him to create a plan for maintaining cleanliness in the shared spaces.


Expressing empathy and acknowledging residents' feelings during a conflict can help in finding a more effective resolution. (T/F)

True. Expressing empathy and acknowledging feelings helps build trust and rapport, which can lead to more effective and collaborative conflict resolution.


Effective confrontation management requires the RA to have a firm stance and avoid compromising to demonstrate leadership and authority. (T/F)

False. Effective confrontation often involves a willingness to compromise and collaborate, as it shows flexibility and a commitment to finding solutions that work for all parties involved. Leadership is demonstrated through understanding and cooperation, not inflexibility.


 In a conflict resolution process, what is the most effective way for a manager to handle differing opinions while maintaining team cohesion?

A. Enforcing a decision based on seniority without discussion

B. Ignoring minor disagreements to avoid escalation

C. Encouraging diverse viewpoints and finding common ground through negotiation

D. Focusing solely on the majority opinion and disregarding dissenting voices

C. Encouraging diverse viewpoints and finding common ground through negotiation


It's your fault that this happened; you need to fix it immediately

It seems there’s been an issue, and I’d like to understand what happened. Let’s talk about how we can address this situation and prevent it from happening again


Samantha feels that the RA is favoring certain residents over others, creating tension and feelings of unfairness among the residents. Several residents have expressed their concerns to Samantha.

Question: How should the RA address the perception of favoritism to ensure fairness and maintain trust among all residents?

The RA should acknowledge the concerns raised, reflect on their actions to ensure fairness, and communicate openly with all residents about how decisions are made. They should seek feedback and be transparent about their approach to ensure that all residents feel valued and treated equitably.


Maria notices that her resident, Stacy, is consistently missing meetings and group activities, affecting team dynamics. Stacy has recently been quiet and unresponsive.

Question: What approach should Maria take to address Stacy’s absence and lack of participation while offering support?

 Maria should approach Stacy privately, express concern for her well-being, and inquire if there are any underlying issues affecting her participation. Maria should offer support and discuss ways to help Stacy re-engage with the group.
