Signs and Symptoms
Right Sided/Left Sided Heart Failure
Nursing Interventions/ Patient teaching

What class of drugs help to reduce fluid build up by increasing urine output, which in turn decreases the workload of the heart and alleviates symptoms such as swelling and SOB.

What are diuretics?


Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet due to fluid build up is called this common symptom.

what is edema?


When CHF effects the right side of the heart, this visible sign involves swelling or bulging of the veins in the neck.

What is Jugular vein distention


Patients with CHF should be advised to limit this dietary component, which can contribute to fluid retention.

What is sodium?


This test involves walking on a treadmill while heart activity is monitored.

What is a stress test?


This is a beta blocker prescribed to reduce heart rate and improve the function of the heart 



This symptom, often worse at night or when lying down is cause by fluid backing up in the lungs.

What is shortness of breath (dyspnea)


In left sided heart failure, fluid backs up into this part if the body.

What are the lungs 


For patients taking diuretics, nurses should teach about the importance of consuming foods high in this mineral, which may be lost through increased urination.

What is potassium?


How do you calculate cardiac output 

Stroke volume x heart rate 


This class of medication including lisinopril helps to relax blood vessels resulting in lower blood pressure in order to decrease the work load on the heart by blocking the production of angiotension II

what are ACE inhibitors 


This is a symptom the body tries to compensate with to resolve CHF.

What is increased heart rate, contractility, or hypertrophy 


when the left ventricle cannot contract effectively, this type of cardiac output is reduced 

what is ejection fraction


This intervention is what you implement for a patient with CHF who is having dyspnea.

what is High fowlers, or elevate head of bed


Name four risk factors of CHF

Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, diabetes, COPD, obesity, CKD, smoking, drugs and alcohol, cardiomyopathy 


Name four classes of medication commonly prescribed for CHF patients

ACE- inhibitors


Beta Blockers


This sign/ symptom indicates fluid retention of CHF exacerbation and prompts a visit to the doctor.

What is sudden weight gain?


Explain the difference between right sided heart failure and left sided heart failure 

what is left sided occurs first because it has to do with the lungs and left side. It is the last stop before it goes to the rest of the body. Left ventricle pushes it to the rest of the body, so if that is not performing it becomes backed up from here first. 

What is right sided comes after left sided because of the structure and blood flow of the heart. 


This intervention is what you would to promote for a patient with CHF who has peripheral edema

what is elevating extremities to promote venous return 


Name the four diagnostic tests to help diagnose CHF patients 

Stress test, chest xray, echocardiogram and pulmonary function test

This drug increases the strength of the heart muscle contractions and helps to control the heart rate in conditions like a-fib.

What is Digoxin?


Late symptom of CHF, characterized by frothy pink tinged sputum

What is hemoptysis


Explain how the blood flows through the heart chambers

what is "comes from the body as deoxygenated blood through the superior/inferior vena cava into the right atrium (first chamber) then it travels through triscuspid valve to right ventricle (second chamber) then it uses pulmonary valve, travels through pulmonary artery to the lungs to become oxygenated. Where the blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Then it goes from lungs to pulmonary veins to return to the left atrium of the heart (third chamber.) From there it travels through the mitral valve into the left ventricle which then ascends through the aortic valve into the aorta which distributes the oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body.


These labs are what you need to see an indication for CHF

ProBNP because of the hormone that is released into the blood when the heart is stretched or stressed. Higher levels will indicate worsening heart failure. You also want to check electrolytes, especially if the patient is on diuretics due to potassium loss. 


Demonstrate the dance Julia does when referring the sodium potassium pump

what is please demonstrate Julias sodium potassium pump dance
