Worth a Thousand Words
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Mario Cart-ilage
Picture 1
What are Osteoclasts?
Known for my tensile strength, I am found in both proper connective tissue and in cartilage. I am secreted by fibroblasts in my "pro-" form, then modified to "tropo-" form. Angelina has lots of me in her lips!
What are Collagen Fibers?
These cells are wrapped around small vessels and capillaries, and are capable of migrating away from the vessels and differentiating into other CT cells.
What are Pericytes?
All cartilages have this lake-like structure as an artifact when viewed under the microscope.
What are Lacunae?
I keep my cells close, but my fibers closer. I have heavy amounts of parallel collagen fibers. You can pull all you want, I won't budge... at least in one direction.
What is Dense Regular Connective Tissue?
Picture 2
What is Perichondrium?
I rarely stand out under the scope, you will need some help with staining to pick me out. My friends call me "reticular," but you can call me this.
What are Type III Collagen Fibers?
Man I'm hungry! Most famous for my phagocytic exploits, I CAN fuse to form giant cells. Did I mention I'm pleomorphic???
What is a Macrophage?
Found in most bone forming sites, articular surfaces, respiratory airways and such, I only have collagen fibers making me up.
What is Hyaline Cartilage?
Like some people's brains, I have lots of empty space, but I can help you keep it all together. Collagenous, reticular, and elastic fibers randomly oriented allow lots of space for water.
What is Loose Irregular Connective Tissues?
Picture 3
What are Osteoblasts?
I give lungs, ligaments, and arteries their recoiling property. You may find me as a cylinder or layered into sheets. Have you tried the new Hanes Comfort-Fit Waistband???
What are Elastic Fibers?
Ahoy there!!! I can be seen best with Toluidine Blue O stain, and if you have allergies, I control your "epithelial secretory activity." Need a tissue?
What are Mast Cells?
Responsible for flexible ears, you can see my fibers with an H&E stain, and even better with a "specific" fiber stain. Dr. Sannes says I am "structurally firm, yet deformable."
What is Elastic Cartilage?
I am firm and resistant to compression due to my tangled web of fibers that run tightly in all directions.
What is Dense Irregular Connective Tissue?
Picture 4
What are Isogenous Groups (aka Cell Nests)?
I take pride in my pretty colors (orange to orange-pink) and come from fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and smooth muscle.
What are Type I Collagen Fibers?
Although Dr. Sannes says sizes sometimes matters, what I lack in cell size, I make up for with a huge Golgi. I may have a B lymphocyte as my daddy... but Maury hasn't proved anything yet. Best seen for my "spokes in a wheel" and Russel Bodies.
What are Plasma Cells?
Separating and binding to cartilage is my thing, but I won't be found dead with fibrocartilage.
What is Perichondrium?
Usually found in association with loose connective tissue, I store energy, conserve heat, and provide cushioning. Jenny is calling...
What is Adipose Tissue?
Daily TRIPLE!!!!!!!!! Picture 5
What are Pigment Cells?
Daily Double for CANDY!!! When I say SCAVMA, you say...
What is Local?
When you see me in the shinning lights, I may look like a "star," but I'm scared to death and won't be able to move. I also make Type III collagen.
What are Reticular Cells?
Though we come from different families, my friend Dense Irregular Connective Tissue and I share a thing or two. We are both made of collagen fibers, arranged in an irregular pattern that leaves a lot of space.
What is Fibrocartilage?
Daily Double for CANDY!!! This CT is most often the site of infection due to my spacious morphology.
What is Loose Irregular Connective Tissue?