Instructor of sixes
These pills will extinguish this.
What is the Stirrings?
The requirement that scared Jonas?
This Requirement confused Jonas
What is the Capacity to see beyond?
Is salmon mentioned in the book?
No, but fish are.
Who is the baby who was given a chance to grow?
What is the stuffed Elephant?
This was Jonas's first memory
What was the Good snow ride?
How did Jonas feel during the Animal/Human memory?
He understood the horse, and was happy.
Asher, The ______ ________
Was given the memory of Elephants Successfully?
Who is father?
His first memory was about this substance
What is snow?
This "game" caused Jonas to have flashbacks, therefore causing him anguish.
What Good guys Bad guys? (extra, the flashback was the American civil war)
Everybody's feelings are this, Except those who know the truth
What is shallow?
In the movie, Jonas had this kind of relationship with Fiona (Seriously? the bath was enough.)
Romantic relationship
Who is the first person released in the book?
The Pilot
This item "released" the Little Twin
What is the syringe?
Hills and snow removed because of This
Hills slowed down buses, while climate control got rid of snow.
Father lied to Jonas, Therefore making him feel This
Anger and Sadness
They refer "Elsewhere" as This
What is a noun?
What does Madeline take care of?
What are the FISH
The Last thing Jonas stole before leaving to Elsewhere
What is his Father's bike?
Did Jonas go to the Giver before leaving?
No, he didn't.
When the Handbook said he could lie, It caused him This
Discomfort and untrustfulness
The Giver has This instead of Power
What is Honor?