What is 8?
Current year.
When is 2025?
Another name for Language Arts.
What is Grammar?
The first element of the periodic table.
Was it Hydrogen?
Height of the tallest tree.
Is it 379 feet?
What is 16?
The year Christopher Columbus discovered America.
When is 1492?
A period's purpose.
What stops sentences?
Is it iron?
Age of the oldest tree.
Is it 4,853 years old?
What is 8?
Time of Jesus' death.
When was 33 A.D.?
All helping verbs.
Are they is,am,are,was,were,being,been,be,
The third noble gas.
Is it Argon?
Most common tree.
Is it the Common Juniper?
what is 1024?
Titanic's sinking.
When was 1912?
The 3 prepositions that start with"O".
Are they of,off and,on?
The amount of elements in the periodic table.
Is it 118?
Shortest species of tree.
Is it the Dwarf Willow?
you can use paper for this ;)
What is 145,152?
The amount of years WW1 lasted.
How long is 4 years?
Correct the following sentence: A big red ball rests on top of the tree are you a wizard John it says to you
Is it "A big, red ball rests on top of the tree. 'Are you a wizard John?', it says to you."?
Pronounce "Ytterbium"
Is it like "Turbeeum"?
Species of the biggest tree.
Is it The General Sherman Tree?