Denotative meaning of calling someone a dog
meant as an insult
This is the denotative meaning of it's raining cats and dogs
Cats and dogs are literal falling from the sky
The connotative meaning of the word mob (positive or negative)
This is the denotative meaning of the word ember
coals under a fire
This is the connotative meaning of the word ember
warmth, home, comfort
Denotation of antique
an old item
aroma is positive and stench is negative
scrawny, thin, in-shape. sort these connotative meanings into positive, neutral, and negative
scrawny- negative
in shape- positive
thin- negative
Inexpensive vs cheap. Which one is positive, and which one is negative.
Explain why to earn these points
inexpensive is positive and cheap is negative
I was being nosy. Explain the denotative meaning of this phrase and state the connotative meaning
This person was in someone's business. Negative