What is Connotation?
The Cultural (or figurative) meaning(s) of a word.
What is the definition of DENOTATION?
Dictionary definition.
Is the following word a connotative or denotative use?
He looked at the ground and saw a SNAKE, so he jumped up in fright.
Which of the following words is more POSITIVE?
Talkative Vs. Chatty
Which of the following words is more NEGATIVE?
Assertive Vs. Pushy
What is a connotative meaning of GRAY?
Dark, gloomy, depressing, sad
What is the denotative meaning of BASIC?
Entry level, beginner.
Is the following word a connotative or denotative use?
My sister rushed into the house and ignored my greeting, slamming the door to her room. She was obviously in a bad MOOD.
Which of the following words is more POSITIVE?
Interested Vs. Nosy
Which of the following words is more NEGATIVE?
Clever Vs. Crafty
What is a connotative meaning of BASIC?
Someone (or something) that is very mainstream, not unique.
What is the denotative meaning of GRAY?
A color between black and white.
Is the following word a connotative or denotative use?
She rolled her eyes and whispered "SNAKE!" and she responded to the insensitive text message.
Which of the following words is more POSITIVE?
Immature Vs. Innocent
Which of the following words is more NEGATIVE?
Intense Vs. Passionate
What is the connotative meaning of GHOST?
Cut off all communication with, stop talking to abruptly.
What is the denotative meaning of GHOST?
An apparition of a dead person, a spirit.
Is the following word a connotative or denotative use?
At the mall today, I saw a little girl pouting because her Mom wouldn't give her an ice cream, it was total MOOD.
Which of the following words is more POSITIVE?
Exceptional Vs. Strange
Which of the following words is more NEGATIVE?
Determined Vs. Stubborn
What is the connotative meaning of "SHADY" when describing someone's actions, as in, "He’s been acting kind of shady lately"?
What is the denotative meaning of SALTY?
Tasting of salt.
Is the following word a connotative or denotative use?
She lowered her SHADES from her eyes and glared at me, obviously throwing SHADE from when I "stole" her boyfriend last year.
Connotative AND denotative! (Both!)
Which of the following words is more POSITIVE?
Aroma Vs. Stench
Which of the following words is more NEGATIVE?
Energetic Vs. Hyperactive