In what country is today's mission video?
How many spies did Joshua send to Jericho?
Where is the Key Passage Verse found?
Psalm 24:8
What candy bar is named after a famous baseball player?
Baby Ruth
What condiment did the boy in the red shirt put on his hotdog?
What was the name of the woman who kept the Israelite spies safe?
What is the Big Picture Question?
Why can we trust God?
What chocolate candy shares its name with a planet?
Mars Bar
What did they use to tell the Easter story?
Resurrection Eggs
What color was the cord the spies told God's people to hang in their windows?
What is the answer to the Big Picture Question?
We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.
What candy is known for its tagline, "Taste the Rainbow"?
What is the last name of the family in today's mission video?
How many priests were playing instruments? And What instruments were they?
7; trumpets
Fill in the blank: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a _______ ___?
Tootsie Pop
How many times a year do the Worthy's do events?
4 times a year
What did the Israelites do on the 7th day?
Marched around the city 7 times. The priests blew the trumpets, the people shouted, and the walls fell.
Recite Psalm 24:8
Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle.
Which candy car was the first to be sold in a "fun size" version?
Why did God instruct the Israelites to march around the wall for seven days instead of telling them to attack the wall?
God's power made Jericho's wall fall, not the Israelites. Because God's instructions were carried out, God received the glory. God knows best, even when we don't understand His ways.