Burning this solid fossil fuel to make electricity is one cause of air pollution.
What is coal?
In the United States, each person uses about this amount of water a day. (Give it your best guess:)
What is 70 gallons?
When an entire animal species no longer lives on the Earth, that species is called...
What is extinct?
People make too much of this and it is not always recyclable.
What is trash?
People can insulate their homes so less of this is needed.
Heat (energy)
The hazy pollution that often hangs over cities is called this. (hint its a combination of smoke and fog)
What is smog?
Why is fresh water so important?
We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, watering crops, and producing energy. Salt water cannot be used in all of these ways.
Animals that are fewer in number than before, but still exist.
What is endangered?
What is one way that people might make less trash?
Use less-packaged food? or Buy fewer things?
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle
A resource that can replenish itself in the time span of a human life.
What are renewable resources?
Ways I can reduce air pollution.
What is carpool, take bus, walk, turn off lights/ electric utilities?
(many options)
Oceans are sometimes polluted by this when it is spilled.
What is oil? Also, What is plastic?
Places that shelter animals that are in threatened.
What are wildlife refuges?
Many cities now have this to help with garbage control and find new ways to use old things.
What is recycling?
One type of renewable resource.
What is solar, wind, or water energy?
2 of the ways that our air becomes polluted
car exhaust, factories, trash in oceans, oil spills, plastics, etc...
One way to save water.
What is turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth? or What is take shorter showers?
Use dirty water to water your plants...lots of creative options
This location is a prefect habitat for butterflies, birds, and bees.
What is a garden?
One way to save paper.
What is print less, use both sides, digital use, reuse paper.
A holiday celebrated every April 22 that relates to conservation.
What is Earth Day?
Way to produce less air pollution in your yard.
Use hand tools (push mower, rake, etc.) instead of electric or oil-based machines which produce exhaust.
The number of gallons of water to fill a bathtub.
What is 70 gallons? Showers save water!
Places where a plant or an animal lives naturally.
What is a habitat?
Something to do with food leftovers instead of throwing them away, decomposes the food to make soil.
What is composting?
Means protecting and managing Earth's natural resources
What is conservation?