Community Based Social Marketing

What the very first thing you have to decide on before you can start developing your social marketing campaign?

Determine you audience


The study and use of psychological techniques and research to understand and promote a healthy relationship between humans and the natural environment

What is Conservation Psychology?


True or False: Dolphins live in Sarasota Bay all year round?



What is the legal distance that people/vessels are supposed to maintain between themselves and dolphins?

50 yards


Why is it important to examine barriers and benefits to people of a possible CBSM campaign?

To provide data on what would motivate people to change and engage in sustainable behaviors/practices, instead of developing a project based on assumptions.


The study of the loss of Earth’s biological diversity and the ways this loss can be prevented

Conservation Biology


Why is disturbing dolphin behavior alone a problem? After all, it doesn't physically harm them.

Variety of answers including:
- habituation to humans which leads to worse problems (begging, getting hit by boats, hook ingestion, increased reliance on easy meals)
- changing/disrupting any behavior can be energetically costly (especially feeding/nursing)
- Dangerous to humans if in close contact


Is feeding wild dolphins actually illegal?



When creating a list of behaviors to target in a campaign, what are the two main criteria that need to be considered in deciding which behaviors to list?

No behavior should be further divisible and all should be end-state


The scientific study of behavior & mind

What is Psychology?


What is the leading human-related cause of mortality and injury in Sarasota bottlenose dolphins?

Entanglement in discarded fishing gear


Is the following scenario considered "harassment"? Someone is on boat and staying at the legal distance away from a group of dolphins, but also hanging over and thumping on the side of the boat, whistling, and trying to get the dolphin's attention.

Yes. This is level B harassment:

Level A harassment: any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance that has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild.

Level B harassment: acts that have the potential to disturb (but not injure) a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by disrupting behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering.


Name 2 of the 7 Strategies to consider when designing a CBSM project (as detailed by McKenzie's "Step 3").

1. Commitment

2. Social Norms

3. Social Diffusion

4. Prompts

5. Communication (the message itself)

6. Incentives

7. Convenience


The preservation and protection of something (such as the environment)

What is Conservation?


If you're out on a boat fishing and a dolphins comes up, clearly waiting for something to happen so it can grab a bite, what should you do?

A) Nothing - all options could be more detrimental to the dolphin than allowing it to continue begging

B) Relocate

C) Reel in line & wait to see if dolphin leaves

D) B & C

E) A & C

D) B & C (Relocate & Reel in line & wait to see if dolphin leaves)


What would you do if you came across an entangled dolphin (or one clearly in distress)?

Call NOAA Fisheries Southeast Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline

Phone: (877) WHALE-HELP (877-942-5343)


The are 5 main Steps in McKenzie's approach. We covered the first 2. What are the next 3?

Developing Strategies
Piloting the Program
Implementation & Evaluation


Explain what it means to "evaluate impact" in a CBSM project

To determine how impactful the proposed alternative human behavior would be on addressing the problem if implemented. 


True or False: Dolphins can live upwards of 68 years



What is Dr. Toms's first name?

