Abolished slavery
Gave women the right to vote
Protects your right to a jury in a civil trial
In the Bill of Rights 5-8 deal with.....
Rights of Accused
Is it legal for a player to step into the kitchen after hitting a volley?
Repealed the 18th amendment
Limited the president to two elected terms
The Constitution grants three types of powers to the national government. Which type of power is not expressly stated but are reasonably suggested in the Constitution?
Implied Power
Is the issue below a Reserved Power, Exclusive Power, or Concurrent Power?
What is a “kitchen” in pickleball?
Granted people of the District of Columbia the right to vote for the presidential election
Prohibited the use of poll tax to deny people voting privileges
Prohibited citizens of one state from suing the government of another state
Choose all the options that changed our Constitutional Government. (choose more than one less than five)
A. Federal Laws
B. Executive Orders
C. Supreme Court Decisions
D. Constitutional Amendments
A, C, D
What is the height of the pickleball net at the center?
34 inches
Prohibited states from denying a person the right to vote on account of race
Lowered voting age nationally to 18
Article 5 of Constitution
Amending Constitution
What year was pickleball invented?
How long is the pickleball court?
20 x 44 feet
Prohibits laws affecting the compensation of members of congress from taking effect until after the election of representatives
Provided a procedure to fill the vice-presidency in the event of a vacancy
What type of Federalism deals with different levels of government having clearly divided powers and authority?
Dual Federalism
What was the original purpose of pickleball’s creation?
Summer activity for kids
Where did the name “pickleball” originate from?
Name of a dog