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under the Articles of Confederation, this level of government had too little power

What is the federal (national) (central) government?


the Constitutional Convention was held in this city

What is Philadelphia?


the Founding Fathers admired this ancient republic and incorporated many of its principles in the Constitution

What is the Roman Republic (Ancient Rome)?


this agreement solved disagreements between northern and southern states about slaves being counted in a state's population towards representation

What is the 3/5 Compromise?


to change (regarding the Constitution)

What is amend (as in the Amendments to the Constitution)?


Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government did not have the power to do this which caused a lot of financial problems. 

What is the power to tax? 

this delegate showed up to the Constitutional Convention with the Virginia Plan

Who is James Madison?


the Founding Fathers borrowed ideas from this 13th century English document, such as the belief that nobles had to follow the same laws as the common people

What is the Magna Carta?


this agreement solved the disagreements between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan

What is the Great Compromise?


system of government in which citizens govern by electing representatives to make decisions

What is a republic?

this riot proved the weakness of the Articles of Confederation because the federal government had no power to try and stop it
What is Shay's Rebellion?

he was named President of the Constitutional Convention

Who is George Washington?


many of the Founding Fathers had read the works of the thinkers from this 16th and 17th century European movement that stressed the importance of human reason?

What is the Enlightenment?


both the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan stated this about the structure of the government

What is there would be three branches of government?


the right to be informed of why you are being held in custody by legal officials

What is habeas corpus?


of the three branches of government, this was the only one that existed under the Articles of Confederation

What is the legislative branch (Congress)?


he was the oldest delegate to the convention and more than likely the most respected individual present

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


this French philosopher pioneered the concept of the powers of government being split between three branches

Who is Montesquieu?


this is the reason larger states favored the Virginia Plan

What is the legislative branch would have representation based on state population (they would have more power than smaller states)?


This was prohibited by the Constitution because it was a bill that declared someone guilty without a trial. 

What is a bill of attainder? 

finally fed up with the Articles of Confederation, delegates from the states met in this year to write a new governing document for the nation
What is 1787?

he negotiated the compromise between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan

Who is Roger Sherman?


this English philosopher taught that government is an agreement between the ruler and the ruled

Who is John Locke?


according to the compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention, representation in the legislative branch would be determined this way

What is one house with equal representation (the Senate) and one house with representation based on state population (the House of Representatives)?


These was prohibited by the Constitution because it punishes people for acts that were not crimes at the time they were committed. 

What are ex post facto laws? 
