Name 1 branch of the US Federal government
Legislative, Executive and Judicial
How many members does the Senate have.
What is 100?
The three parts of the Constitution
What is the preamble, the articles and the amendments?
The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation
What is the Constitution
Could the national governments tax citizens under the Articles of Confederation?
What is No?
This is the first phrase of the preamble
Which branch can impeach the President?
What is the Legislative Branch?
The term for "rule by the people."
What is popular sovereignty?
This branch of the national government interprets the laws?
What is judicial?
The branch of government enforces the laws.
What is the Executive Branch
A main principle of the Constitution that refers to the courts having the power to rule laws of Congress and the president unconstitutional
What is Judicial Review?
The highest ranking of the judicial branch is this.
Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The president, cabinet, and Vice President make up this branch
What is the executive Branch
What is Article 1
Fund the Government, Impeach the President and Make laws are all powers of this branch
What is legislative branch?
A system of government in which a written constitution divides power between a central, or national, government and state governments .
What is federalism?
This part of the Constitution assures that the documents is living and adapting with the times.
What is the Amendments?
Each branch holds some power over the other two
What is Checks and Balances?