¿Cómo se dice 'piedra' en inglés?
Stone (piedra)
What is the most common building material for American homes?
Wood (madera)
This is a vertical structure that encloses a space - a classroom has four of these.
Wall (la pared)
A ____ is a building or other object constructed from several parts.
structure (la estructura)
¿Cómo se dice 'construir' en inglés?
To build, to construct
¿Cómo se dice 'vidrio' en inglés?
Glass (el vidrio)
What are two benefits of building with wood?
It is cheap (barato) and flexible.
An ____ is a curved structure supporting an opening.
Arch (El arco)
A ____ is the strongest shape, which is why it is used in the design of many bridges.
Triangle (el triángulo)
¿Cómo se dice 'mantener' en inglés?
to maintain
What does 'plaster' mean in Spanish?
El yeso (plaster)
Stone is more ____ than wood, meaning it needs less maintenance and lasts longer.
Durable (resistente)
A ____ is a pillar that supports another structure. It is often shaped like a cylinder.
Column (la columna)
He wants to build a ____ skyscraper with more than 15 stories.
massive (masivo)
¿Cómo se dice 'diseñar' en inglés?
to design, to engineer
¿Cómo se dice 'ladrillo' en inglés?
Brick (ladrillo)
Stone homes provide better protection from ____ and ____ _____.
Stone homes provide better protection from fires and natural disasters.
A _____ is a long piece of wood or metal that supports the ceiling of a structure.
Before you can build a house, you must lay the ____ so that it will be supported.
Foundation (los cimientos)
How do you say 'to demolish' in Spanish?
What material do you put on a roof?
Clay tiles (tejas de arcilla), shingles (tejas)
Americans ____ more frequently because they ____ jobs more frequently than Europeans, meaning they do less maintenance on their homes.
Americans move more frequently because they change jobs more frequently than Europeans, meaning they do less maintenance on their homes.
A ____ is a rounded vault on the top of a structure with a circular base.
Dome (el domo)
The beams in this house are exposed so you can see them supporting the _____.
ceiling (el techo)
How do you say 'to reinforce' in Spanish?