What is the definition of career?
Career, a commitment to work in a field that is found to be interesting and fulfilling.
What are Interest Inventories?
Tests that help identify that one enjoys most.
What is Cooperative Education?
Education that allows students to enhance classroom learning with part-time work related to their majors and interests.
What is a Cafeteria-style employee benefit?
Programs that allow workers to choose benefits that best meet their personal needs.
What is the definition of Trends?
A development that marks change in a particular area.
What are Geographic Trends?
Tendencies of people moving from one area of the country to another as financial centers shift location.
What's the definition of Informational interview?
A meeting with someone who works in one`s area of interest who can provide practical information about the career or company.
What's the definition of a Mentor?
An experienced employee who serves as a teacher and counselor for a less- experienced person.
What is Potential Earning Power?
The amount of money that can be earned over time.
What are Service Industries?
Businesses that provide services for a fee.
What's the definition of Resume?
A one - or- two page summary of a job applicant's education training, experience, and qualifications.
What's the definition of a Job?
Work that you mainly do to earn money?
What is the definition of Aptitudes?
Natural abilities that people possess.
What does Internship mean?
A position in which a person receives training by working with people who are experienced in a particular field.
What's the definition of a Cover Letter?
A personal letter that is presented along with a resume.
What's the definition of Flexible?
Adjustable hours so you'll have more time to spend with your family.
What's the definition of the Standard of Living?
A measure of quality of life based on the amount and kinds of goods and services a person can buy.
What are Demographic Trends?
Tendencies of people that change over time, grouped by age, gender, ethnicity education, or income.
What is the definition of Networking?
A way of making and using contacts to get job information and advice.
What's the definition of a Pension Plan?
A retirement plan that is funded at least in part by an employer.