Underwriters should use this feature for reminders or task-based instructions, not viewable by the borrower.
What is, the Underwriting Notes feature.
Clearing or adding conditions BEFORE updating Empower and re-running AUS will likely cause this.
What is, will likely cause duplicate conditions to appear or re-populated conditions?
If a condition is ready to be reviewed and documents are attached, the status will change to this.
What is, REV?
Enter THIS if the value of an existing condition is unknown.
What is, TBD?
Search for your desired pick list condition that most closely resembles your needed verbiage BEFORE considering use of THIS type of condition.
What is, general conditions?
Do not use these when adding or editing borrower viewable conditoins.
What is, industry jargon or abbreviations?
Previously cleared conditions will reappear likely due to this.
What is, clearing or adding conditions BEFORE updating Empower and re-running AUS?
If borrower provided document does NOT satisfy the condition, underwriter should do THIS, to update the condition status from REV to OPEN.
What is, unlink documents from condition?
Do THIS, if there are duplicate conditions populated in the conditions portal.
What is, waive the duplicate conditions?
General Conditions are only to be used when this happens.
What is, there are no viable pick list conditions available?
Most conditions in which something is required of the borrower will follow this structure.
What is, WHO + ACTION + WHAT or Borrower + to provide + some item?
Review file documentation, update Empower and re-run AUS to do THIS.
What is, Clear dynamic and/or update conditions?
If a document DOES NOT satisfy the condition, Underwriter will communicate rejection details in THIS section.
What is, Underwriting Notes and copy/paste your note into the Communications section?
Borrower viewable box is checked, doc type is assigned and loan is approved with conditions will cause THIS to happen after each resubmission.
What is, borrower facing conditions will update in the consumer portal?
If a general condition must be used, select the appropriate condition reflecting THIS to assist with proper wording.
What is, "Document Type"