"Daughter of Invention"
Background Information
Poetry 1
Poetry 2
What does Shotwell's obsession with jacks reveal about him?
Shotwell’s obsession with jacks shows his deteriorating mental state.
What is the conflict in this story?
A daughter struggles to find a connection with her Mami because she is too focused on her inventions.
What years cover the postmodern/contemporary era?
What is the main conflict in the poem "Coastal" by Mark Doty.
The narrator struggles with respecting a young girl who has a passion to help a wounded bird but by the end they realize the beauty in the act of kindness and admire the young girl for her noble act.
What does the fish in Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish" symbolize?
The fish symbolizes triumph over death and the constant strength one has to survive.
What does the narrator's use of repetition tell the reader?
It shows that the narrator’s instability is constantly increasing.
What inspires the narrator to write her speech?
The poetry of Walt Whitman, given to her by her father.
The Postmodern/Contemporary writers focused on what events? List at least 3.
The Cold War, the end of World War II, Vietnam War, Watergate.
What is the overall theme of "The Beautiful Changes" by Richard Wilbur?
Beauty changes, the images show the beauty that can result from change. For example, "the charm of a chameleon's changing skin" in line 8.
What can you infer about the couple in Gwendolyn Brooks' "The Bean Eaters"?
They don't have much money but they are resilient and have knowledge on what is truly important. They keep their memories close.
What is the most prominent theme in this story?
The dehumanization of individuals.
Why does the narrator’s father have such a strong reaction to the first speech?
He is stuck in his traditional views from the Dominican Republic and loses sight at the fact that in America it is acceptable to speak your mind.
What was different between postmodernist and modernist writers?
The post modern writers focused on more personal writings and were not afraid to push the envelope. They took what everyone was feeling and put it on paper. They allowed for multiple interpretations and never believed in just one.
What is the real subject of the poem "Mirror by Sylvia Plath?
The real subject is vanity or the way people use physical appearance to confirm who they are; how people can be self-critical.
The poem "Elsewhere" by Derek Walcott rises to its most direct statement of theme in the final stanza. What does it mean to "make a career of conscience"?
Everybody knows these oppressions are wrong but they are not doing anything about it.
What is ironic about the title “Game”?
The word game usually suggests fun, but the events in this story are serious and deadly.
What does the narrator consider as her mother’s final invention?
The second speech that they write together.
What is beat poetry/slam poetry? Where was it performed?
Poetry that praised individuality and spoke out against social injustice. It was performed in jazz cafes and late night coffee shops in the contemporary cities like NYC and San Francisco.
In the poem "Mushrooms" by Sylvia Plath, what image do the mass growth of mushrooms symbolize?
People who are power hungry and use their power to take over major situations in a negative way.
What does the rainbow at the end of Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish" symbolize?
The rainbow is the spectrum of life in nature for the fish and the beauty of the fisher's revelation to let the fish go.
What is the significance in the narrator’s suggestion that the mission might be an experiment?
Shotwell and the narrator may have been stuck in the bunker so long because of their inability to go through with any of the tasks at hand.
What is significant about the gift her father gives her at the end of story?
Instead of rejecting her talent, he is embracing it and encouraging it by giving her a source to create more written pieces.
What do contemporary poets truly believe about poetry?
Contemporary poets believe that poetry lives within the people and any walk of life, any experience, and any style of expression can result in authentic poetry.
Based on Claribel Alegria's "Ars Poetica", what is the purpose of poetry?
It is a vehicle for making discoveries and inspiring hope. It is freeing and allows one to travel and explore.
In "In Honor of David Anderson Brooks, My Father", what differences does the poet imagine between her father in life and her father in death?
In life, he suffered a fever in a cold room, in death he roams freely and is no longer in pain.