Negotiated to reduce international trade tariffs and boost trade in developing countries.
What is General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
The world population has been expanding over the years. This growth accelerated in the eighteenth century during the Industrial Revolution. The population reached 1 billion people in 1800.
What is world population reaches 1 billion.
AI-Qaeda attacked US embassies in several African nations. The group took these actions to punish the United States for its involvement in the capture of four Egyptian terrorists. AI-Qaeda leader Osama bin laden was added to the federal bureau of investigation's list of most wanted fugitives for his role in these attacks.
What is AI-Qaeda attacks US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
In September 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin , the world's first antibiotic. The discovery was a turning point in history. Doctors worldwide finally had a way to cure certain deadly infections diseases.
What is the Discovery of Penicillin
From: Global society
Built in 1566, was destroyed during the Bosnian war in 1993. In 2001,the world bank and the city of monstar rebuilt the bridge under the leadership of the United Nations educational, Scientific , and cultural organization (UNESCO). The project symbolized a healing process for the ethnically divided town, as well as UNESCO 's mission to preserve cultural sites around the world.
What is Reconstruction of the Mostar Bridge
After World War, 2 European leaders were concerned that hostility between European nations would affect trade. They decide to unite European nations into the European economic community (EEC) .The EEC also known as the common market, later became the European union (EU)
What is the common market established
In 1866, this undersea telegraph cable stretched from Valentina Island in Ireland to the village of Heart's content in Newfoundland.
What is the first transatlantic cable is laid
The Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist political group, took over the country of Afghanistan. It is imposed an oppressive form of Islamic law on the nation. The Taliban was aided by al- qaeda.
What is the Taliban begins rule in Afghanistan
The first computer made for general use was built in 1946. It was called the Electronic Numerator Integrator and computer (ENIAC)
What is the first general purpose computer
From terrorism:
The terrorists organization Islamic state of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) targeted Paris in response to France's military support of the Iraqi army. More than 100 people died in suicide bombings and mass shootings in six different places in Paris.
What is ISIS attacks Paris,France
Oil- exporting nations formed the OPEC to stabilize the oil trade and ensure the best possible profits. Founders include Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela.
What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC)
After World Wars 1 and 2, the population growth rate accelerated dramatically due to the huge population growth in developing countries. The world's population reached 3 billion in 1959.
What is World population reaches 3 billion.
AI-Qaeda attacked the world trade center in New York City and the pentagon in Washington DC. These attacks killed thousands of people. The US government made it a priority to stop terrorism by Islamic fundamentalist groups. US and British forces invaded Afghanistan month later with the goal of toppling the country's taliban rulers, who gave shelter to AI-Qaeda.
What is Terrorists attack the United States
The Soviet union launched the first artificial earth satellite on October 4,1957. It was named sputnik l and was placed in the planet's orbit. The launch of sputnik l marked the beginning of the space age.
What is the launch of the first orbiting satellite
NAFTA lifted taxes and trade restrictions in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
What is the Northern American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Telstar l was the world's first active communication satellite. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched it on July 10,1962. Two days after it's launch, it relayed the world's first transatlantic television signal. Telstar l transmitted instantly by satellite.
What is First communication satellite launched
President George W. Bush launched a war on the nation of Iraq. Bush's administration claimed that Iraq was protecting terrorists and owned weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
What is the United States invades Iraq
The development of the internet took years of research. By 1985, an early form of the internet had begun serving a growing community of users.
What is the development of the Internet
The sum of all economic activity that occurs within and between countries
What is Global Economy
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network commonly known as ARPANET began operating in 1975. ARPANET allowed computers across the country to exchange data. It was the forerunner of the internet.
What is ARPANET becomes operational
US forces traded down and killed Osama bin laden in Pakistan. AI-Qaeda promised to seek revenge for his death.
What is the death of Osama bin laden
The human genome project was an international scientific research project that began in 1990. The scientists working on this project sought to discover and decode all the genes that make up human DNA.
What is the human genome project begins