Seldom - Since athletes must stay in great shape, they seldom eat junk food.
Seldom (adv.): rarely or infrequently.
Colossal – The colossal skyscraper towered over the city.
Colossal (adj.): extremely large.
Livid – He was livid when his little brother broke his gaming console.
Livid (adj.): extremely angry or furious.
Elude – The mouse managed to elude the cat by squeezing into a small hole in the wall.
Elude (v.): to escape or avoid, especially in a skillful or clever way.
Hasten – Seeing the dark storm clouds, she hastened her steps to get home before the rain started.
Hasten (v.): to move or act quickly.
Altercation – The referee had to step in when an altercation between two players nearly turned physical.
Altercation (n.): a noisy or heated argument or disagreement.
Obsolete – CDs have become almost obsolete now that everyone streams music online.
Obsolete (adj.): no longer in use or out of date.
Nonchalant – She acted nonchalant about the test, but inside, she was nervous.
Nonchalant (adj.): calm and unconcerned.
Exasperation – With a sigh of exasperation, the teacher rubbed her temples as the noisy students ignored her instructions.
Exasperation (n.): extreme frustration or annoyance.
Hapless – The hapless traveler missed his flight, lost his luggage, and got caught in a thunderstorm all in one day.
Hapless (adj.): unfortunate or unlucky.
Verbose – The professor’s lecture was so verbose that the students struggled to stay focused through all the unnecessary details.
Verbose (adj.): using more words than necessary; wordy.
Zealous – Oliver was zealous about his sneaker collection, waking up at 3 AM for limited edition drops and tracking resale prices like a stockbroker.
Zealous (adj.): showing intense passion or enthusiasm for something.
Ephemeral – The excitement of finishing a big test was ephemeral—within minutes, everyone was already stressing about the next exam.
Ephemeral (adj.): lasting for a very short time.
Superfluous – The teacher told Maria that her five-page introduction was superfluous since the main idea could be explained in just one paragraph.
Superfluous (adj.): unnecessary or excessive.
Cognizant – He was cognizant of the challenges ahead but remained determined to succeed.
Cognizant (adj.) – Being aware or conscious of something; having knowledge or understanding of a particular situation or fact.